German Allies and A Mysterious Voice

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(I have gone through all my old stories and just shrugged at the covers, they aren't really exciting! So what could I do to change that? So hence the new and improved awesome cover was made! I hop you like it~!)


That was the sound that abruptly woke Ludwig from his peaceful slumber. The German man had already guessed what it was about. Italy.

He picked up the phone with a sigh, and answered. "This better be pretty important for jou to be calling me at 1:00 AM."

"GERMANY! GERMANY! _____'S IN TROUBLE! HELP!" The frantic voice on the other end of the phone was indeed Italy's.

His eyes widened. And this was saying something because Ludwig was usually asleep at this hour. "Vhat's vrong vith _____ Italy?"

"THEYTOOKHER!HELPUS!WENEEDTOGETHERBACK!" Italy's was talking so fast that his words jumbled up into one long muffled 'word'.


There was a crackling sound on the other end. "(Give me the phone wanker!).....AHH BRITAIN!"

Ludwig held the phone away from his ear and let another sigh escape his lips.

"I'm so sorry Germany." It was England's voice.

"It's is fine. Now vhat is vrong vith _____?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Well, the 2ps erased her memory, and she doesn't remember us...She also thinks Allen is her boyfrind (HE'S NOT!) Sorry, that was a very jealous American behind me..(I AM NOT JEALOUS!)."

"Vhere is _____ now?"

"She got kidnapped again by the 2ps..."

"SHE VHAT?! I'LL BE THERE ASAP!" With that, Ludwig hung up the phone with a grumble and got up out of bed.

_____ being kidnapped was a pretty damn good reason for him to get up at 1:00 in the morning. He thought of her as a good friend. And Italy cared about her, so he would save her...for Italy.

"BRUDER?! I HEARD JOU SCREAMING?! AND VHAT ABOUT _____?!" Gilbert had ran into Ludwig's room, sword in hand, and dressed in Gilbird footie PJs. A certain yellow chick flying around his head.

"_____ vas kidnapped by the 2ps, so I am going to save her vith the others. Don't die Okay?" Ludwig said as he laced up his combat boots.

"_____ VAS VHAT?! I AM COMING TOO VEST! I MUST SAVE MY LIEBLING!" And with that, the albino was already out the door.

He returned shortly dressed in his usual blue combat uniform. "Let's go get those 2p dummkofs Vest!"

"For once..I actually agree vith jou Gil."

And the German (AND PRUSSIAN) brothers were on their way.

- - -

"I'm glad you dudes came! Now to let plan rescue damsel in distress commence!" Alfred announced with anger in his voice.

Since everone was equally as stressed and worried for the well-being of _____, they didn't argue about what to call the mission.

"So here's the plan!"

- - -

"Poppet~!" Oliver called from the kitchen.

You got off your new bed at Allen and Oliver's house and bounced over to the door. You just felt happier lately, it was strange.

But yet you couldn't help but think something was missing. You would get sudden visions of blue, green, and even red eyes. Not red or blue like Allen's or Oliver's, different colors. Amost . . . softer. But they didn't frighten you, in fact, you felt a wave of comfort wash over you whenever you did see them.

But you would never tell anyone else that.

You walked down the stairs slowly and touched the walls, studying them intently. Something just didn't feel right. Even though these were the walls that you practically grew up with (I'll get to it later don't worry!).

When Allen and Oliver told you stories of you falling down the stairs, or even your 5th birthday, it still felt out of place. Like none of this was meant to be.

Here you are, with a perfect boy friend and friends, but you're still not. . . happy.

How can you be happy here when it's like you're a puzzle piece that doesn't quite fit right.

You walked into the kitchen with a sad expression on your face.

"Oh! There you are poppet~! Hey, what's wrong?" He Oliver asked, taking off his ovenmits.

"I-I don't know. . ." You said, looking down.

"Are you sure poppet? You know you can tell me anything, right?" He comforted.


Oliver nodded. "Yes of course!"

You played with the hem of your shirt nervously. "Well I've been getting these. . . feelings."

"Feelings? What ever do you mean poppet?" Oliver said getting a little bit worried.

"Well, I've gotten these feelings that something is. . .off." Oliver stared at you with worry and confusion. "Like I don't belong here."

"Nonsense! Of course you belong here poppet! You're Allen's 'babe' and my cupcake! Whatever makes you think that?" He asked, hugging your shoulders.

"I walk down the halls and stairs and even in my room, and it just isn't familiar." You explain.

Oliver's pink and blue eyes widened then he sighed and walked back to the kitchen. Oliver reached into one of the cabinets and grabbed a blue and pink-swirled cupcake. He smiled and handed it to you. "Here poppet, eat this. It'll help. Now can you go up stairs? Me and Allen need to. . . Talk."

"Yeah, thanks Ollie~!" You said with a smile and went back up stairs to your room.

You sat down on your bed and unwrapped the cupcake.

"No, don't eat that!" A male voice said.

"Why not?" You asked, moving the treat away from your mouth.

"Trust me _____, don't eat the cupcake. Me and a few of my friends are coming to rescue you, just sit tight alright?"

"Who are you?" You whispered.

"I can't tell you that right now, but just trust me."

"How? I don't even know you." You hissed.

"No. But I know you better than you know yourself right now. I'll just tell you right now, you're right, you don't belong here. Promise me you won't eat the cupcake and you'll stay here?"

". . .Yes."

"Good. And don't tell anyone I talked to you. Goodbye for now _____, we'll meet soon if you keep your promise to me."

"W-wait!" You whispered, but no answer.

You looked at the cupcake and poked it slightly. What's wrong with it, it's a normal cupcake. . . You thought to yourself.

You shrugged and chucked it under your bed (under some of your clothes), dropping the wrapper in the waste bin by the door.

That takes care of that. . .Now who was that voice? You thought.

- - -

So I'm very sorry for not updating! Don't kill me!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Again, I didn't update because I had writers block, then I just came up with this! (IF YOU KNOW WHO THE VOICE IS, DON'T SPOIL IT FOR OTHERS K? ALTHOUGH I DOUBT YOU KNOW IT!)



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Bye to all~!

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