Chapter 9

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I learned something about Chase on Friday afternoon. The day had gone by as it usually did, but as we got ready to go home for the day, something happened that gave me a little more insight into the mysterious boy that I had become so close to.

            We were walking down the hall towards the doors. Chase had my bag slung over his right shoulder, and he was holding my right hand with his left one, as I used my other hand for my cane. As we came to the intersection of two hallways, someone came skidding around the corner and bumped into me. I was knocked off balance a little, but I managed to stay on my feet, though I did have to drop Chase’s hand to do so.

            Unfortunately, the collision with me had sent the person into a dive, and he desperately grabbed at Chase to try and keep himself from slamming into the ground. He managed to get a hold of Chase’s arm, but I think he quickly wished that he hadn’t.

            Chase’s reaction was immediate. His right hand swung forward and slammed into the guy’s jaw, causing him to release his grip on Chase’s arm immediately. Chase then backed up two quick steps and stood completely still, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides and his whole body rigid.

            I gaped at the boy now sprawled on the ground. It had happened so quickly that it took my brain a moment to realize what had happened. I looked up at Chase and saw that his face was a blank mask. My bag had dropped off his shoulder and was sitting in a heap on the floor by his feet. I glanced around the hallway quickly and was relieved to see that no one had witnessed the little scene, since almost everyone had already left the school.

            Using my cane, I nudged the boy on the ground. “Are you okay?” I asked him.

            He rolled onto his back and looked up at me dazedly. “I think so,” he replied.

            I tilted my head slightly. “Sorry I hit you with my cane like that. You knocked me off balance and I couldn’t control where I was waving it.”

            He frowned in obvious confusion. “Huh?”

            I wrinkled my brow in mild concern. “Don’t you remember how you ended up on the ground?”

            “Uh…” he glanced between me and Chase, his eyes widening when he realized who it was that he’d grabbed onto. “You accidentally hit me with your cane?”

            “Exactly. Maybe you should get up now.”

            He did as I suggested, scrambling to his feet. “Right. Sorry about that.”

            “No serious harm was done. Next time maybe don’t come flying around a corner like that.” I patted his arm and then looked at Chase, dismissing the other boy. “Let’s go.”

            Chase’s face was still unreadable as he bent down to retrieve my bag, and we continued down the hallway. He didn’t take my hand again, but I could sense him looking at me out of the corner of his eye a few times. We drove to my place, and he came into the house with me. I waited until we were both seated at the kitchen table before finally speaking. “Well, that was interesting.”

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