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**A/N- I know I normally do these at the end, but I'm hoping everyone will read this and then I won't get asked the same question a bunch of times :-). There WILL be one more book in the "Love is" series, and it will have Hailey, Blake, Dana and Chase in it as minor characters. It won't be about Matthew, but I will also be doing a story about him that's unrelated to this series. I don't know when these stories will be started, because I only have a rough idea of what's going to happen in either of them. It'll be a little while, probably a couple of months or more.

I'll be taking a break for a couple of weeks to study for my GED, which is in the middle of Novemeber. After that is done, I'll start actively writing again. I'm planning on finishing Time Stands Still, but Struggling to Break Free is likely going to be taken off. I'll start it up again eventually, but I don't know when.

The next story I'll be working on is one that I started years ago, while I was still in high school I started it before Twilight came out and before the Harry Potter books were finished, so that should give you an idea about how long ago it was that I started it. It's different than anything else I've written; it has fantasy, romance, action and humour in it. It'll be called Aladon, so keep your eyes open. When I first wrote it, it was in third person and I'm going to try and keep it like that. Could be interesting to see how it turns out lol.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say! Oh, and if you want me to do any chapters in Chase's POV, then please vote and comment. The response I get to this chapter will determine how many scenes I do in his POV. Enjoy!**

“Dana, are you ready to go?” Chase asked me as he came into our room.

            I turned away from the mirror. “Just about. I can’t get my locket on.”

            Chase came forward and took it from me, then turned me until my back was to him. He slipped the chain around my neck and did the clasp up. “There. Now are you ready?”

            “Yeah, just need my shoes.” I walked over to wear they were sitting on the bed, and I sat down to put them up. When they were on, I stood up once again. “Now I’m ready.”

            He swept an admiring gaze over me. “You look pretty hot,” he stated.

            “So do you,” I replied. We were both all dressed up to go to Blake and Hailey’s wedding.

            “Now that we both know we look smoking, let’s get out of here.”

            I laughed and looped my arm through his as we left the room. My parents were in the living room, and they made us stop so they could take pictures. Then we were allowed to leave, so Chase and I went out to his car. I didn’t have my can anymore, and I was incredibly happy about that. I still walked with a limp, but it was getting harder and harder to notice as the days went by.

            Chase held my door open for me and then shut it once I was sitting. He went around the car and climbed into the driver’s seat. “We’re still supposed to go spend the day with Cara and Matthew tomorrow, aren’t we?” he asked as he started the car.

            I smiled when I thought of my nephew. “Yeah; I can’t wait to see him again. He looks more like Luke every day.”

            “He is a little cutie,” he admitted, pulling onto the road.

            “I’m glad Cara is letting us be in his life. She didn’t have to tell me about him when she found out Luke had died, but she did. That says a lot about her.”

            “It does,” Chase agreed. “I can’t believe how much he has grown in the past three months.”

            “I know! Every time I see him it’s like he’s a different baby. And Cara said he’s crawling now. I bet she has a hard time keeping up with him now that he’s mobile.”

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