Chapter 12

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Winter hit with a vengeance over the next few weeks. The temperature dropped and we got dumped with snow. I was thankful for the heated indoor arena every time I rode Justice. It kept us nice and warm, even when outdoors it was freezing. I continued trotting on him, slowly increasing the amount of time until we were able to do twenty minutes of trot work.

            Chase came down to the barn with me a couple of times a week and he slowly grew more comfortable around the horses. I was hoping to get him riding one day soon, but I didn’t mention that to him. I knew he wouldn’t agree to it yet.

            On a cold Saturday morning, Cindy picked me up to take me to the mall so I could do my Christmas shopping. It was the first time we’d gone out of the house together since the accident, and I knew she was really excited about it. And to tell the truth, so was I even though I didn’t like shopping. I had missed having girl time with her.

            We got to the mall and set out to do our shopping. We spent an hour browsing through the stores before I needed to take a break because of my leg. We went to a small coffee shop and ordered hot chocolates, then settled into a booth. “So how are things going?” Cindy asked me.

            I shrugged. “They’re getting better,” I replied.

            “How are things going with Chase?”

            I smiled. “Good. He’s a really nice guy underneath that tough exterior, and we have a lot in common. I just wish he would trust me enough to tell me more about his past.”

            “At least he actually talks to you. He’s been eating lunch with us for over a month and he still hasn’t said a word when Sarah and I are around. I admit that I want to know what his voice sounds like.” She blew on her hot chocolate and then took a small sip.

            “He doesn’t talk to anyone else besides me. He’s met my parents a few times now and he hasn’t said more than five words to them. And he barely speaks to his foster parents.”

            “Do you know why he doesn’t like talking?”

            I shook my head. “No, he hasn’t told me. I know that he had a fairly normal childhood until he was ten, but that’s it.”

            “What happened when he was ten?” Cindy asked curiously.

            “It’s not really my place to tell you,” I told her.

            “I guess you’re right. You can’t blame me for being curious though. He’s this dark, mysterious person and you’re the only one who’s gotten close to him. A lot of people are talking about it.”

            This surprised me. “Seriously? Why?”

            “Because you were always popular in school, but now you only hang out with Chase and me. You broke up with Adam and you barely talk to Sarah. People are curious as to why you’re interested in a guy who has violent tendencies.”

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