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The first world we came to was a quaint little town that strongly reminded me of home. Sora told me that this world is called Hallow Bastion and it was currently under repairs due to the heartless infestation that it dealt with for years. I saw a few odd shops in the plaza one selling clothes & jewelry, another selling items such as potions, and one selling weapons of all various shapes and sizes.

"It kinda different" Goofy said

"I hope Leon and the gang are doing okay" Donald said concerned

"Who?" I asked

"Oh right you don't know do you" Sora said

He then explained to me how Leon and his friends helped him and his group find the seven princesses of heart. "He sounds like a cool guy" I said as we wondered the streets.

We then saw a weird looking light pop up in various places in a continuous cycle.

"Hey what's going on" Donald asked in shock

"That's the town's defense mechanism" A voice said from above us

We all turned to look, it was a girl no older than Leo. "Yuffie!" Sora shouted

Yuffie waved at us and hopped down from her spot on the wall once we dealt with a group of nobodies. "I see you're still in top form" Yuffie stated

"What'd you expect" Sora said pounding his chest with pride,"Looks like your doing okay"

"Well what did YOU expect?" Yuffie said

"Sora aren't you going to introduce me to your friend here?" I asked

"Oh right Chris this is Yuffie. Yuffie meet Chris like me she's also a keyblade wielder and she can wield other weapons as well. Just don't challenge her" Sora said with a shudder more than likely remembering how I took down that huge Cyclopes with ease.

"Hiya" I said

"Same to you" Yuffie said

"How are the others?" Donald asked

"Hey Yuffie have you seen the king and Riku?" Sora asked

"Guy's one question at a time 'kay" I said

"Nope" Yuffie answered.

Sora slumped over in defeat. Yuffie ran slightly ahead of us, "But I had a feeling I'd see you guys again"

Sora held his hand in front of him and did what I believed to be an impression of someone that they knew, "We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."

"Is that suppose to be Leon?" Yuffie asked

The boy's started laughing while I looked on in confusion. "Everybody's working on stuff over at Merlin's house. C'mon" Yuffie told us

We followed her to what I assumed to be Merlin's house. During that time Yuffie told us about the various renovations done to the city. I was impressed, "Maybe I could get you in contact with my friend Annabeth she loves architecture and would more than likely love to help you out, just look forward to having your ears talk off about structural support beams and all of that mumbo jumbo" I offered

"Thanks but we kinda want to do it on our own" Yuffie said

Upon entering the house I saw a blonde man typing away at the computer while two brunetts one male the other female.  The male I instantly pegged as Leon he had the vibe that Sora described to me confident and sure of him self. "Meet the Hallow Bastion Restroration  Commitee." Yuffie said

The girl turned around,"We missed you", She said

"Well if you ain't in top shape." the blonde commented

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