Morning Council part I

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"Share Yu! I gave you my last Dango, let me have some soba!"

"Oi, one Dango does not equal half my soba! And stop squirming you have soup on your face."

The only other two occupants at the table watched as their two co-exorcists and friends continued to bicker across from them. Lavi sighed into his hand and leaning heavily into Lenalee. "I don't know what's worse, them fighting as rivals or as a couple."

Laughing she threw him a disappointed glance, "Do you really think that those aren't one in the same with them?"

"I think it's exhausting." Lenalee hummed in understanding watching Allen evade another hand to hold him still. Lavi slumped further as Kanda tried to both defend his food and get Allen to dry his face. She shoved him off and grinned as he protested, "Get over it Lavi, you're just upset they don't pay attention to you anymore."

He winced, "Wow my lady going right for where it hurts." His hands dramatically clutched his chest, "but you don't understand my pain! I've been forgotten! Our friendship tossed aside, replaced by young love and now the one person I thought I could trust is mocking my pain!" Lenalee only gave him a sympathetic pat on the knee making him pout. His outburst finally managed to break through the couple's private bubble, Allen abandoning his fifth attempt at soba theft to look at them in surprise.

"Lavi! That's not true, you're still my dear friend."

Dropping the act, Lavi felt a little guilty after hearing how sincere he sounded. Lenalee had been right that he felt left out but that wasn't anyone's fault, and especially not Allen's. Clapping his hands together he beamed. "Moyashi-chan so kind and caring!" He relaxed, speaking more softly and honestly, "But I didn't mean it bud, I know you're still my friend."

Allen returned his smile but a hand under the Brits jaw turned him away to face Kanda. "Ignore him he's just being whiny."

Lavi jabbed an accusing finger at the grumpy man, "You are just as bad! The only difference is you upgraded from bromance to full mance!" Kanda stopped in confusion and Allen used that to try and pull himself free, surrendering when Kanda only held more firmly.

Mummbling through his squished face Allen accepted the napkin, "Agh phine!" Swatting away Kanda's attempts to do it him self. Said man sat back triumph, looking like he'd won both the battle and the war. Considering he still had his food Lavi had to agree.

Never one to filter his thoughts he spoke, "Are you his mother or his boyfriend?" Lenalee just barely stopped a laugh behind her hand.

But Allen laughed out loud as Kanda snapped at the both of them,"Shut up! You two are a headache."

Lavi snickered, "or what? Going to mother hen us to death?" Lenalee stifled another laugh at Lavi's inevitable death.

The bench was shoved back as Kanda stood, Allen unfazed kept the seat up right, to tower over Lavi threatening death just with a glare.
Allen groaned propping his chin in his hand and looking amused up at Kanda. "Would you get back down here you idiot, I can't believe I have to tell you you're not my mother." Head still in hand he shot an even more amused look to Lavi, "And you stop calling him a mother hen, he's a boyfriend hen if anything."

Lavi side-eyed the simmering Kanda, "Still don't know how the hell you managed that by the way."

"Oi that's it." They all heard the sharp sound of Mugen unsheath, "Jerry's going to make rabbit stew tonight!"

"Oh shit!" Lavi awkwardly threw himself off the bench and bolted towards the exit yelling frantically over his shoulder. "Allen! Protect me! Calm the hen!"

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