Morning Council part II

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Allen didn't bother asking anyone which way his destructive partner had gone, the usual trail of carnage was a good enough idea.
A cracked doorframe lead him to a spacious room with large stain glass windows. He registered the familiar figure of Hevlaska within the glass, he smiled at it.

Kanda eyes closed and leaning against one of the support columns greeted him when he entered.

"Took you long enough." He drawled out opening his eyes.

"Slow and steady wins the race Bakanda. And besides you need to work on damage control, a blind man could track you"

"Che if that was the case Lavi would have lost his head years ago. And you're not wrong." Kanda waved off his interest in the statement.

He shrugged indifferent, "Liar you let him get away everytime."
Allen slid down against the column and tugged Kanda down next to him. Neither spoke intertwining their hands and Kanda holding them to his chest. Closing his eyes too he layed his head on Kanda's shoulder.
"Hey Yu?"

Kanda sat up and Allen ended up laying with his head on Kanda's lap."Dammit Moyashi what did you do?"

"Seriously?" He glared incredulously up at him. "That's low Yu, you do this everytime and you don't even know what I was going to say!"

"What do you expect? When you cling to me all day and talk my ear off I'm going to catch on. Because I know you I can tell that whatever it is you think it's going to upset me."

"Yeah." He couldn't deny that. "But I don't talk that much, you're just the only one that will listen."


"Right, no evading it now, I've been given an assignment and I leave tomorrow night."

"So what? That's nothing new. Who's going with you." Steel cobalt eyes hardened as he narrowed in on the problem."Who's going with you Moyashi?"

"Just me, and some Finders! But I'm just following to make sure everything goes smoothly so it's not really something to worry about."

"Like hell, not even I'm dumb enough to go without another exorcist backing me anymore." Kanda was agitated that they'd send him without proper support, it didn't matter what the job was, two exorcists per assignment had become the minimum. But of course when it came to the moyashi the Vatican didn't hold him to the same regard. "Where is Komui now? I bet I can make him change their minds."

He roll onto his side to hide in the fabric of Kanda's shirt. "Don't it's not going to happen and you pushing the matter might make it worse." Kanda sucked in a breath likely remembering who he was dealing with. "It's hard enough as it is."

"Shit, sorry."

Allen laughed into Kanda's stomach,"what are you even apologizing for Bakanda?"

"Somebody has to."

"Knock off, I'm supposed to be the pessimistic one, and I'm already ready to cry don't make it actually happen."
Kanda rolled his eyes cupping the sides of Allen's face to pull him out of hiding. 

"I don't like knowing that if you decide to do something stupid no one will be there to stop you," Kanda groaned thinking it over again, "nevermind more like making sure you don't die because of whatever stupid thing you do."

"Everybody's a little self sacrificing, it comes with the job."

"It's not even self sacrificing with you Allen, you throw your life around like it's no big deal no matter what the situation is."

"It doesn't matter what the situation is if I can help I will. No second chances if I second guess myself."

"There's no second chance for you if you don't." Kanda stroked a thumb over the raised edge under his left eye. "Just don't try to leave the fight before it's over.

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