Morning Council part IV

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A resounding crack of wood against brick gave Kanda a satisfying feeling, a great representation of just how violent his emotions swarmed in his head. His rage helped keep his fear and confusion locked behind his mask of indifference. Pitying himself for not knowing if he did the right thing wasn't going to help anyone. A piece of paper crossed his line of sight and he turned to Johnny who looked a half second from fainting on his feet. A stack of papers he'd obviously been holding now lay scattered around them. Kanda internally cursed his ability to be an ass without trying, and Allen wasn't there to act as his emotional interrupter. He wasn't one to fidget and always got after Allen for it, but he felt himself twist the handle of Mugen around. A grumbled apology was the best he could do given the situation.

Johnny bounced back like a spring, and rushed to start shoveling the pages back into his arms. He gave a shy smile toward Kanda, "Oh no! It's alright Kanda!"

'it's not." Kanda thought dryly. He hesitated between kneeling down to help the poor guy and marching off to Komui.

Johnny noticed his frozen state, pushing his glasses up his nose to see Kanda clearly."Is there anything I can help you with? And don't worry about this, happens all the time." Half the stack he picked up fell again as he stood up to emphasize. Both he and Kanda sighed watching it fall, Johnny's soul leaving with it.

Kanda shook his head, "thanks but I'm looking for sister complex, I know where he is"

Johnny shrugged not having anything else to say, glasses sliding down again, "see you around then Kanda."

Kanda gave it a moment of thought, Johnny was if anything just as close to the Moyashi as him, Lavi and Lenalee. And it would do good to have the extra help. He reaches out to stop him from walking away and pulls him a long by the back of his coat. "Actually, follow me."

"Ack! Papers!"

"They can wait can, this is important."

"Alright? But Kanda I can walk! I can walk!" Poor guy was definitely not expecting this when he woke up this morning.


"Excellent timing Kanda, I'm going to need you to be ready to leave by morning. It should be enough time to avoid suspension." Komui raised an eyebrow spotting Johnny nervously hovering over Kanda's shoulder. His hair looking more frazzled then usual. When his eyes turned to him in question Kanda stared him down daring him to say something. Not giving in Komui carried on, "Anyway, happy to see you both I guess." He waved his hand in a half hearted greeting to Johnny. "Lenalee and Lavi should be here soon, they will need to be caught up. But we can start now, Allen has left on an assignment that could very well be a target on him. And he agreed to follow through despite it." Komui sat back in his chair as the two before him let his words sink in.

An animalistic growl made Johnny flinch, kanda knew he should have tried harder to get the Moyashi out of the damn boat. Maybe it would have been him standing at his side like Johnny was, and protecting him like he should be. The idiot Moyashi and his magnetism for trouble was going to send them both to an even earlier grave.

"Kanda it was his choice and he choose the best option."

"How is this the better option! You know what lengths he will go to, and I'm not ther-can't." It was difficult to breathe, he needed to distract himself from the panic but stay latched onto the seething anger he felt. Hand painfully tight around Mugen, he took a physical step back and straightened his stance, "how do you know that he's-"

Komui slid a wrinkled paper into view, 'addressed to Allen Walker' written in the Chiefs familiar scrawl.   "Someone forged my signature and managed to pass it a long him. None of my department was made aware."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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