| 14 | Jenny the cupid

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Four months later

Raghav's p.o.v

I reached college as quickly as I can. I parked my bike and ran inside. I saw Jenny near the notice board.

"What was the emergency?!"I shouted running towards her.

"Look there!!"She said turning me towards the notice board. I looked up to see the paper they pasted there.

"Dear students,The winter prom is happening two weeks from now in our college gym. The student council has started their preparations already for it. We all hope you will have a great time with your friends and Loved ones!"I read the notice from our principal.

"This was the emergency?"I shot

"It's important!"She said

"What about it?!"I asked

"You're asking Myra to the prom!"She shot back

"What?!"I shot

In these four months me and Myra did get close. We had super fun hanging out together. I definitely don't see her as a sister to my sister-in-law.

"Not happening Jenny!"I said and started to walk.

"Why?!"Jenny shouted coming after me. I stopped and turned around to face her.

"What if she doesn't like me?"I asked and looked down

"Idiot look at me!"Jenny said making me look towards her.

"Myra is lucky to have you. It's her loss if she looses you. Ask her and find out. Don't jump into those weird conclusions of yours!"Jenny shot and I smiled.

"Alright. I'll ask her soon!!"I replied

"How about now?!"She said and I was confused

"What?!"I replied

"Hey Myra,Raghav wants to ask you something!!"Jenny said turning me around. I was now facing Myra. She was smiling.

I was speechless now!

Myra's p.o.v

"What is it?!"I asked Raghav and Jenny left. I was sure I heard Raghav curse Jenny.

"Um..Myra...!"He started and I looked curiously

"What?"I asked and he smiled

"Did you hear about the prom?"He asked

"Right. I heard about that. I'm super excited!"I told excitedly

"Well I was hoping,um...if you want to go with me..!To the prom!"Raghav asked me.

I was shocked at first but later smiled.

"Of course I'll go with you monkey. Who else will I go with?!You are the best person I know here!"I said and smiled. He smiled back

"That's great then!!"He replied happily.

"I'm gonna go to class now!"I said and left.

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