B O N U S C H A P T E R #02

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After Krish's wedding

Myra's p.o.v

Me and Raghav returned home and we gathered everyone in the hall.

"So what is it?!"My sister asked us and I blushed.

"Did this idiot do something?What did you do??!"Rahul dad asked me first and then Raghav

"You don't believe me?You always blame me!"Raghav said sarcastically

"No one loves me...!"Raghav said childishly

"Mr.Actor stop you're action. Tell us what the news is!!"Anjali ma said

And I looked at Raghav and he nodded

"Me and Myra Are expecting our first baby soon. She's pregnant.....!"Raghav said and everyone were surprised

"Oh my god!!"My sister said giving Tia to my brother-in-law and hugging me.

"Congrats you two!!"She said hugging us both.

All of our parents congratulated us and wished us both.


At the night I stood in the kitchen cooking something to eat as I was hungry

"You could have woken me up. I could have brought you something....!"Raghav said coming down

"It's okay yaar!I am fine with doing work for now. Plus you're a bad cook. I can't eat you're cooking!"I said and he glared at me

"I do know how to cook!"He said in fake anger leaning onto the counter

"Really?Give me sugar from the cupboard!"I said and he looked shocked but opened it.

"It's easy!"He said taking a box out

"Oh really?!"I said looking at it

"How does sugar taste?!"I asked him

"Sweet!"He said and I smiled

"Taste this...!"I said opening it and taking a small amount of it and feeding him

The next minute he coughed it out and had a really funny expression

"Why is sugar so salty??!"He shot drinking water which even made it worse

"Because you gave me salt!"I said and started to laugh. He glared at me.

"I do know how to cook!"I said mimicking him

He stood next to me while I made chapati's and some amount of curry.

After I made it Raghav helped me to sit on the counter picking me up.

I took a piece of it and feed him.

"You made it for yourself because you're hungry. Eat baby!"Raghav said feeding me

"I made enough so we both can eat. Eat!"I said feeding him.

He smiled and I loved doing this with him!

11 months later

Raghav's p.o.v

I was pacing worriedly in the hallway while my brother got a hold of me.

"Raghav everything will be fine. Don't worry...!"He said getting a hold of me.

"I am scared bro....!I said and he smiled

"Don't worry!Everything will be okay. Myra is strong and so is your baby. They will get through it!"He said and I sat down

After an hour the doctor came out.

"Mr.Raghav shetty?!"She asked and I stood up

"How's my wife?!"I asked quickly

"She's great. You both are blessed with a baby boy!"She said and my happiness had no limits now.

"Can I go see her?!"I asked happily fastly

"Yes you can go...!"She said and I quickly went in.

Myra was on the bed with our baby in her arms.

Tears rolled down my cheek. I slowly walked towards them and she looked at me

"He's so cute right??!"She asked me slowly. She was weak.

"Beyond cute....!"I said slowly and she smiled

"Can I hold him...??!"I asked her slowly

"Of course!!"She said and gave me our son.

I started play with him a bit. He was so adorable. He was soft and Myra chuckled.

"Shall we name him?!"She asked me as I sat down next to her with our soon in my arms

"Yes....!"I said slowly wrapping a arm around Myra and one holding my son.

"Veer...!"Me and Myra said and sync and chuckled.

Soon our families came in and they saw veer.

After a while Jenny came in.

"OMG!!Raghav you became a daddy!!"She said happily coming into the room.

Me and Myra smiled

"Oh my god!!he is so cute!!!"She exclaimed

"Can I hold him?!"She asked us and I smiled

"Of course!"I said handing her veer

"You don't need to ask. You are like a second mother to him Jenny!"Myra making Jenny emotional a bit.

"Awe that's so sweet of you Myra and it means the world to me but I'll be the Jenny Masi!!"She said holding veer

"What did you name him?!"Jenny asked us

"Veer shetty!"I said proudly

"Well baby Jenny Masi is welcoming Our Veer shetty into the world!!!"Jenny said and we all smiled.


Hope you guys enjoyed it!

See you in the thanking note💕✨

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