| 57 | Myra and raghav talk

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Myra's p.o.v

I changed my clothes into normal clothes and I headed upstairs onto the terrace to see Raghav sitting there.

I smiled walking towards him.

"Hey!How did I do today?!"I asked sitting next to him.

"Oh hey!Thanks for this. It was amazing. It was the best birthday I have ever had!"He said and I smiled.

"I'm really glad you like it Raghav!"I said cupping his face in my hands.

"What made you change you're mind?!"He asked me

"Aren't you happy I'm here now?!"I shot

"No I am happy. In Fact a lot!"He said and I smiled

"But Myra something was bothering me since you got here....!"Raghav said and I looked at him

"Hey!What is wrong?What is bothering you?!"I asked holding his hand

"I mean since you moved back here what about you're career?What about you're upcoming book?!"He asked me and I chuckled at his concern

"I gave it up...!"I said simply and he was shocked

"What do you mean Myra?!"Raghav shot

"Raghav I can't have both. It's either my career or you. I choose you. Because you are my life. You're my current priority. I'm happy as long as I am you're wife. I don't need to become a author and write a book...!"I said and smiled. He was having a guilty look

"You gave up you're career for me?!"He asked me slowly

"Not exactly but sort of...!"I said

"Raghav don't be upset okay!"I said

"This is all my fault. You left you're career because of me....!"He said

"I just said don't think like that. It was my decision Raghav. I said I'm happy as long as I'm you're wife. I don't need anything else!"I said and he looked Away

"I just want to be with you for the rest of my life...!"I said and he looked at me

"Did you tell those people who you signed the contract for?!"He asked

"Yeah,I went to meet them and get this cancelled!"I said

"Are you sure about this Myra?!"Raghav asked me

"Haa I am!"I said

"You know ever since I was a kid I always thought whoever I marry will be lucky to have me...!"Raghav started and I smiled looking at him

"But after meeting you I realized whoever marries you will be luckiest. I never thought I would marry you. But ever since I met you my whole world changed Myra. I decided not to hurt anyone after what I did to Jenny. I couldn't forgive myself. But you helped me through it. I remember how much we hated in the start but then we became friends and I started to like. Then I fell for you. And now I'm happy that we're together. It took time and waiting for worth it.....!"Raghav spoke and tears rollover down my cheek

"You know I'm so lucky to have you...!"I said and he chuckled

"Haa everyone wants to be with me. I am hot and no one can resist me!"He spoke funnily

"Ah really?But the thing is Mr.Hotty,You belong to me. I'm possessive when it comes to you. If I see any girl flirt with you they will see Myra part 2!"I shot and he laughed out loud

"Why are you laughing?!"I shot and he kept on laughing

"You are so cute when you're jealous....!"Raghav said and I smiled

"Haa I'm born as a cute girl. Everyone loves me!!"I said childishly

"Well I love you so much...!"Raghav said and smiled

"Haa I know you love me!"I said

I closed the distance between us and I intertwined our hands and placed my head on his shoulder

"So if we have kids,What will you name them?!"I asked him and he smiled

"Veer for boy and Shanaya for girl!"He said and I looked at him in surprise

"You still remember?!"I asked him and he smiled

I told Raghav I want to name him my kids veer and Shanaya when we went to trip after our exams to Maldives

"I could never ever forget anything about you!"He said and I smiled

"I'm so lucky to have you!"I said and he smiled

"Of course you are lucky. You have me!"He said and I smiled

"Shall we go sleep now?!"He asked me and I nodded

We went back into our room.

He got under the sheets. I felt nervous because this was my first time with him.

I smiled as I got under the sheets.

I placed my head on his chest while he wrapped his hands around me.

"Good night Myra...!"He said kissing on my forehead

"Good night...!"I said slowly and hugged him tightly


Bkd vibes huh🙈❤️I had to add them. It was my fave scene from the movie so I couldn't resist.

Two more chapters to go

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