Unlikely Friends.

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***Evelynn POV***

Nothing about him look appetising, he looks like more sad than me when I haven't fed in weeks. And you look even worse, not a hint of pain will come of your death.

I carried on stalking the streets of Bilgewater. I began to realise that maybe Bilgewater was not where happy and merry people lived. Morphing from shadow to shadow I kept moving. And then I saw him. Someone in his late 30's about 5'8 although he was surrounded by dull and miserable men, he shone like a beacon. He was content with life, a happy soul with a happy life.

Oh how that will change soon...

He merrily trotted along the main road, not once going down an alley. A hard one to catch, but they were always the best. You have to work for what you want.

The more I analysed my prey, the more I realised that I was not the only one following him. Some other guy had been hot on his trail for the past 20 minuets. But that the man following was strange, he gave off no aura at all. It was as if he was just nothing. A mere figment of my imagination.

Eventually my target went down a side street. And, of course, the strange man followed. Some how he had not been noticed. I morphed from shadow to shadow so I could get just in front of him.

I hid from sight for a moment. Making sure nobody could see me, I transformed into a beautiful woman. My illusion had long flowing black hair. Her porcelain skin shone in the moons rays. I was sure the minuet he saw me, he would virtually drool with anticipation to get what was under my clothes. But he didn't. He simply brushed me off, acted like I wasn't even there. I didn't know wether to be offended, mortified or both (probably both).

Me: Excuse me?

Target: Yes? Can I help you?

Me: I appear to be lost, I was wondering around these back streets trying to find my friends home, do you think you could help me find it?

Target: Of course! Did the friend say what street it was on?

Good, he believes me. But clearly his mystery follower doesn't. Because he is giving me a look of death.

Me: Yes. She said it's on "66 Web-Spun Alley".

Target: That's just this way, miss.

After a few seconds of silence the man asked:

Target: May I ask your name?

Me: Evelynn, and yours?

Target: Chase.

Chase? What a rich boy name, ugh.

I noticed that the strange follower had stopped when I mentioned my name, this mysterious figure knows who I am, but who, alive today, would know who I am? I am a mere legend to most people. Perhaps a past victim? A witness? Who else would know, and be wise enough to figure it out alone.

When we arrived I invited Chase inside, a few weeks ago I had killed the people who lived here, so I knew no body would be coming here any time soon.

Me: As repayment for escorting me home, I was wondering if you wanted to come in for a drink.

Chase: Oh, I really should be getting home, I don't want to be a burden upon you.

Me: What? You wouldn't be a burden.

After a a lot of persuasion, and virtually pushing him inside, I ended up making him stay. I had made sure to clean the house before going out, to make sure it truly looked like some one was living here.

I poured us both a glass of red wine, and sat us down in the living room, after talking and laughing for a while, I realised now was the time to strike. I placed my glass on the table and strutted towards him. I could feel his heart rate rising.

Me: Now that we are alone, I was wondering if you wanted to, do something else...

I began to undo my shirt. I saw guilt in his eyes, but lust got the better of him, he just sat and watched me. That's right honey. I went closer to his face so I could make out with him, when our lips collided upheld finally had a blind spot. With my hands wrapped around his neck, he couldn't see my claws slowly extending.

When they had finally fully extended, I dug them into his back, he screamed in agony and pushed me off.

Chase: What the hell was that!?

I slowly began getting rid of my female form and became the true demon I am. The demonic side of me enveloped the beauty that was the previous Evelyn, and replaced it with something hideous. Something terrifying. Something that would revel in this mans pain. His look of utter shock was so brilliant I almost left him. Almost.

Me: What? You don't think I look pretty like this?

Chase: ...

After staring at me for 5 more seconds, he bolted for the door. I through out a lasher. But he somehow kept running, I began panicking. But, then something strange happened. The man from before, who had followed Chase, was in the house. And he didn't care that I was Evelynn. In fact, he smirked. But then his smirk became distorted, along with the rest of his body. And it began to mould into something else. Someone else.

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