Moment's Decision

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Hello again! For those of you who have not read my other stories (or the author's notes in them) this is a story I wrote about 4-5 years ago and decided to put on Wattpad for people to see. I decided to go back and rewrite most parts in it since I was sort of a novice writer back then, and the way the original started just drug on until finally getting to the good stuff closer to the end, so I'm fixing that with this version! This beginning part however, I did not change because I really enjoyed the way I wrote it.

With that being said, keep in mind that I had been like nine or ten when I wrote half of this thing, so don't judge too harshly 😅 All art in this story will be by me unless I say otherwise.

Hope you like this!


"Hold still!"

"Todoroki grimaced as the girl applied pressure to the wound in his leg, blood spilling onto her hands; her fingers welled over, crimson dripping onto the concrete floor. Civilians emerged from the ash and smoke, like a swarm of bees escaping the destruction of their hive. Following the queen bee - in this case, Izuku Midoriya - they made their way to safety, ignoring the injured hero as they scurried past.

"I can't use my quirk," He gasped, the air being sucked right from his lungs as he opened his mouth. "That guy touched me. The one at the center of it all."

"Don't worry about that. The others will take him out and everything will go back to the way it was before." Momo Yaoyorozu could sense the distress in his eyes. "Just focus on your breathing. Your quirk is of no use to you in this state, anyway.

Ear-splitting shrieks filled the air as more explosions sounded off, signalling the approach of yet more villains - or the approach of one pissed off Bakugo. Either way, it wasn't safe for Todoroki there. Certainly not without the use of his quirk.

"Listen, we don't have much time," Yaoyorozu urged, "I need to stop the bleeding long enough for us to escape."

Todoroki's gaze flickered to meet hers in an instant. "It's just a cut," he insisted. "I'm fine."

Frustrated, Yaoyorozu let out a long exhale and started the tedious, yet clumsy process of unbuttoning her shirt. None of the students had access to their uniforms, nor did they have time to change into them. This was the real deal - a spontaneous villain take-over. A plain old shirt was all she had.

Todoroki glanced away, showing hints of embarrassment, but said nothing as she proceeded to wrap her shirt around his bleeding calf, securing it by knotting the sleeves. Tightening the temporary bind, she fixed her gaze on him with hard eyes.

"Can you stand?"

"Wait," he muttered.

"We don't have time to-"

"My jacket," he paused to shrug it from his shoulders. "Take it."

Not in the mood to protest, Yaoyorozu slid her arms into the sleeves of his jacket and pulled it closed around herself. Then, rising to her feet, she cast about for signs of movement before extending a hand to help him up. Todoroki struggled to his own feet, and the two of them began their clumsy descent from the scene.

"Lend me your weight," she insisted. "We'll never make it down this slope if you don't let me help you." He complied, leaning himself against her as they hurried through the chaos. Yaoyorozu spotted their fellow classmates in the dip of the slope, and the two made their way back down to safety.


It was hours later that Yaoyorozu visited Todoroki in the infirmary. He was waiting to be patched up, apparently; the regular, old-fashioned way. She'd heard it said that the injury he sustained was 'punishment' for the way he handled the fight. That is to say, for running off on his own.

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