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Todoroki woke bright and early the next morning, the sun's rays shining through his window. He sat up in his bed, rubbing his face as he looked across his traditional Japanese styled room. He reached over and clicked his phone on, checking the time. Nearly time for school. The boy rose from his bed spread and began putting it away, refreshed for the day to follow.

"I wonder if Yaoyorozu's feeling any better," he mumbled to himself. "I hope she's not hurt too badly because of me..."


As Todoroki made his way down the halls, he passed many groups of friends, and they were still there even after he entered his classroom. Heading directly to his chair, he placed his bag under his desk, sitting down. Huh... Yaoyorozu isn't here yet. I hope she's not late again. Yesterday was horrible...

Todoroki took out his phone, but looked up as the door slid open,  Yaoyorozu standing in it's place with a bright smile resting on her face.
"Good morning, class!" She greeted happily, giving everyone a smile.
"Good morning, Todoroki-san," she grinned as she settled herself at her desk. Todoroki-san? That's new. He caught himself smirking at the new name.

"I take it you're feeling better." Her ankle was no longer wrapped up and the bruising along her leg had lessened. She nodded.

"Thanks to Recovery Girl," she stated. "She went a little overboard last night in her healing, but that just helped me sleep. I'm well rested and ready to start the day!" She said happily, her chin held high as she smiled triumphantly.

"That's good," he replied. "You kind of worried some of us yesterday, with the whole showing up to class late all beat up, then falling asleep halfway through Aizawa's lecture. Jiro seemed pretty worried, at least."

"Oh lord," she muttered to herself, but her smile never fell. "I'll have to assure her that I'm fine when I see her. Sometimes it takes a few hours to convince her."

"Sounds fun," Todoroki said flatly. Yaoyorozu chuckled.

"It's true though. It just proves she's a loyal friend when she won't give up until she's sure that I'm alright."

"Yeah..." he glanced down at his phone again.

"Hey," Yaoyorozu said suddenly, making him look up at her. "Did you ever hear about the free time we're supposed to get today?"

"Free Time?" he repeated. "No. What do you mean?"

"All Might's not coming to class today after lunch, so we'll be allowed to do whatever for the time we're meant to be in his class. Like a few days ago, when I invited you out to the diner with me and the others."

"Oh," he nodded. "Okay."

"Roki!" Todoroki looked toward the door as Kirishima entered with a pissed looking Bakugo.


"Wondering if you wanted to come sit with us at lunch today. You usually sit alone and it's getting kind of depressing, man. What do you say?"

Todoroki glanced at Yaoyorozu and she smiled at him. "Okay."

"Yaoyorozu, you can come too, if you want," Kirishima offered, noticing the source of Todoroki's attention. She held up a hand.

"It's alright. I wouldn't want to intrude."

"It's fine," Todoroki said quickly. "You can sit with us."

"Well... okay. I can talk to Jiro and the girls later," she agreed.

"Okay. We'll see you there, then. Right Katsuki?" Kirishima said with a grin, patting Bakugo's shoulder. He rolled his eyes.

"Tch. Whatever."

"Okay, we'll be sure to meet you at your table," Yaoyorozu said. She waved to them as they returned to their own seats, Todoroki watching as Bakugo slumped in his chair. He didn't look happy with Kirishima's decision.

"I guess we're eating with Kirishima and Bakugo, huh?" Yaoyorozu said.

"Yeah. Hopefully Bakugo doesn't murder us in the process..."


"Guys! Over here!" Kirishima waved Yaoyorozu and Todoroki over as they emerged from the lunch line with their trays.

"Thanks for inviting us over, Kirishima," Yaoyorozu said as she took a seat across from the red, spiky-haired boy. He flashed a big grin.

"No problem! Thought you two could use some time together away from people who'll only hover over you."

"Hover over us? What do you mean?" she asked as Todoroki began eating his Zaru Soba.

"Come on. You two idiots are too obvious," Bakugo muttered as he plopped down in a chair beside Kirishima. "The hell do you take us for? Stupid? It's pretty clear you two have a thing for each other."

Yaoyorozu's cheeks burned and she glimpsed Todoroki's ears turn as red as her own face as they were put on the spot. "Is that why you wanted us over here? To tease us or something?" He questioned, his chopsticks suspended mid air in front of him.

"I didn't even want you over here in the first place. But Dumb Hair over here thought it was a good idea for some stupid reason." Kirishima wrapped an arm around his shoulders, hugging him and making him frown.

"Come on, Katsuki. They're my friends which makes them your friends too."

"As if." Bakugo rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest and leaning back in his seat.

"Come on, Bakugo. We aren't that bad," Yaoyorozu told him. He tilted his head back and forth, as if considering what she had said.

"Debatable. I can tolerate you, but the Icy-Hot Bastard?" He chuckled. "That ain't ever gonna fucking happen."

"Are you still upset about the Sports Festival?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo glanced away, narrowing his eyes.


"Then how about we settle things? We all have free time after lunch due to All Might's absence," Todoroki suggested suddenly, leaning back and crossing his arms. "We could settle this then."

"Oh yeah? What are you playing at?"

"Actually, I just heard that Mr. Aizawa is having us do more training exercises," Kirishima jumped in as Bakugo stole his chapsticks. "We'll be fighting one another again. The remaining two go against each other."

Todoroki glanced at Kirishima, then returned his gaze to the blonde. "Guess that settles it. I think we both know who we'll be up against."

Bakugo's brows furrowed, but his sharp grin only widened. "That's about the first smart thing I've heard out of that mouth of yours, Icy Hot."

"Todoroki, what are you-" He held up a hand and Yaoyorozu went silent.

"After lunch. Aizawa's Exam," he said.

"People will be there," Yaoyorozu cut in. "They'll be in the way. You won't be able to go full power without endangering our classmates."

"let 'em watch!" Bakugo laughed. "They'll get to see that I'm really better than you at your full power. No holding back this time."

Todoroki smiled, an absolutely terrifying grin Yaoyorozu had never seen from him before. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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