Chapter 1

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"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and i'll no longer be a Capulet." Charlize held her script in hand as she proudly rehearsed in her bedroom

"Encore! encore!" she turned to see her brother, Jace, leaning against her doorway clapping. a smile crept  onto her face as she curtsied for his amusement

He chuckled and and put her in a headlock "Hey!" she grabbed his arm and attempted to pry it off as he began to give her a noogie  

He released the head lock on her, the corners of his lips were pulled into a big smile. Charlize rubbed the top of her head as she bitterly began to push him out of her room, but he stood his ground not moving an inch.

"get out! i'm trying to rehearse!" her brows furrowed together in frustration

Jace playfully stuck his tongue out at her "I'm only doing my job, annoying you is what big brothers are supposed to do!"

Charlize crossed her arms defensively "Your only older by a couple minutes, stop acting so high and mighty" she frowned

it was true, Charlize and jace were twins only born a minute apart. what got on her nerves though was how he acted like he was older by a few years, flaunting it almost any time they were near each other.

a loud ring suddenly erupted from jaces pocket causing Charlize to jump. He took out his phone and glanced at the screen "Sorry, Char, i gotta take this" he sighed and answered as he left her room

"Jeez..." she set her script down on her desk before flopping onto her bed

her brother could be quite the bother, often times Charlize felt completely drained after talking to him. she heard a quiet ding and let out a groan before checking her phone, it was Austin. her lips pulled into a small smile.

'hey babe, wanna go to the mall later?' he ended his text with a smiley face emoji 

'sure, but only if you buy me food' she rolled onto to her back to face the ceiling. she did need a break from rehearsing, and there was still another two weeks until the play.

'deal! ill pick you up in a bit' Charlize sat up and stretched, she wondered if she should change but only shrugged before standing up and making her way into the hall. she never really cared much for her appearance, a sweater and skinny jeans was what she would wear on a normal day.

she thought for a moment and checked herself in the bathroom mirror. Her dark raven curls rested on her shoulders, they were greasy but she didn't care to shower at the moment. she grabbed a scrunchie from the counter surrounding the sink before she wrestled with her curls til she was satisfied with the messy bun on top of her head.

having curly hair was a hassle but she thought it was one of her best qualities when it came to her appearance. she left the bathroom and made her way down to her living room, she sat on her knees on the couch facing the window, she expected Austin to pull up at any second.

Suddenly Charlize felt two sharp pinches at her sides, her back arched in pain for a second "Jace you dick!!" she turned around to see Austin 

He smirked mischievously "Yeah, he is quite the dick isn't he?"

Charlize got up and pushed him lightly, a smile was plastered on her face "i hate you!" 

He dramatically put the back of his hand to his fore head before closing his eyes and looking up at the ceiling "what!? i thought you loved me!" he snuck a peek at her through one eye

She laughed "of course i do, you butt" He smirked at her remark

Austin picked her up and hung her over his shoulder before spinning around "So im a butt now, huh?"

She hit his back a couple of times "Austin!" she kicked her legs "put me down!"

He laughed before carrying her out the door, his car was parked a little bit down the street. Austin had always been childish and loved to play around with Charlize quite often, his humour was his best quality.

he set her down beside the passenger side of the car, a smile was plastered on his face "Hop on in!" he went around to the other side of the car and entered the drivers seat

Charlize giggled and sat in the passenger seat "remember the food you promised me" she grabbed the seat belt and buckled herself in

"yeah about that..." he looked over at her and smiled guiltily "we aren't going to the mall"


Hey! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter, its my first book so it may not be that good... i know this chapter may have been boring but next chapter is gonna be a little more interesting ;) anyways thanks! please remember to vote, it would help. Cya! 

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