Chapter 5

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By the time charlize got to the school her excitement had died down just a little bit. she entered the school, a little chilly from the cold Autumn breeze. her bag felt heavy on her back but she endured it, she was gonna put it into her locker soon anyways

The halls bustled with students, some on their way to class and others just talking to one another or grabbed their things. Charlize navigated through the students trying to find Austin. she definitely wanted to see his face when he found out that it was just a prank.

She stood at the end of a hallway, to see that Austin wasn't at his locker like he usually was and dropped her bag onto the floor, why did she have to so many things to put in her bag? She furrowed her brows in a bit of frustration, but mostly confusion.

 She suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and it took everything inside of Charlize to not scream or elbow the culprit in the gut, instead she slowly turned around to see a very Exhausted and hungover looking Austin

although he looked (very) tired, he also looked somewhat relieved..? The guilt hit Charlize like a truck. seeing him like this felt terrible "Austin.. did you get any sleep?" concern laced her words

he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair "i should have never left you alone at that party.." his eyes widened in concern "Did they hurt you??" he took her face into his hands and examined her features, probably looking for marks.

Charlize shook her head and gave him small smile. She didn't have the heart to tell him it was a prank anymore after he (probably) stayed up all night worrying that 1 guy or more might have done things to her, all because he left her alone at a stupid party.

"thank god.." he hugged her again, cradling her head into his chest

by now, a couple of people were staring at them in the hallway. this made Charlize a little uncomfortable "I've got to go class, i'll talk to you at lunch" she gave him a peck on the cheek, slung her bag over her shoulder and went on her way

she fiddled with the lock to her locker for a while before finally getting it open. as she put her bag in her locker and took out her things she kept thinking about how exhausted and worried Austin had looked and it made her heart ache a little. she shook her head to herself. it was that weird guys idea and not hers after all.. right?

"Sooo.. whats this whole spiked drink thing about?" charlize scoffed and smiled a little

that girl right there is Jenna, charlizes best friend. her long ginger hair had been put up in a ponytail that day and her blue eyes were filled with question, maybe a hint of concern? but a small smirk was plastered onto her face as she waited for an answer

charlize looked at her with mock suspicion "where did you hear that?" she crossed her arms over her chest 

"Oh, just a big exhausted birdy, worried about his mate" her smirk grew a little "i know your dumb sometimes char, but your not that dumb. spill the beans" 

Charlize rolled her eyes and locked shut her locker. sure, Jenna could be annoying but she was her best friend. telling her about what happened would really lift a weight off her chest and maybe make her feel at least a little less guilty?

she sighed and gave Jenna a guilty smile "Just, don't tell Austin the truth, okay?" 

Jenna nodded eagerly so Charlize recited the whole story to her on their way to class. from being tricked into going to the party, all the way to the weird, mysterious guy and the prank. 

Jenna nodded slowly, soaking in all the information "So.. your telling me. that Austin abandoned you at a party, you met a stranger and agreed to his, oh so bright idea of pranking your boyfriend." Charlize sighed again and nodded

Jenna laughed and held her gut "my god, you really fucked up this time!" she wiped a tear from her eye from laughing too much "i promise i wont tell a soul though. gotta go!" 

Jenna ran off to class with her things. charlize sighed yet again and shook her head

She went off to class and slumped into her seat with a lot on her mind. it was going to be a very long day..

I remembered this time! And, it was longer than the last chapter. Do i deserve a gold star? ;)

P.S i might be going back and editing the last few chapters, i also think that i forgot to describe what Austin looks like. I swear that ill add it soon guys ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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