Chapter 3

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Charlize looked up at him is it too fucking obvious? my boyfriend dragged me here just to lose me and go have fun.. she rolled her eyes as she thought about how he had pretty much abandoned her. He started to laugh and charlize choked on her drink for a moment "I said that out loud didn't i?"

he tamed his laughter and snaked an arm around her waist "Loud and clear" his lips lifted into a smirk "how about you and i go teach your shitty boyfriend a lesson?"

She lifted and eyebrow and removed his arm from her waist "what type of lesson..?"

"one where you get to go home and he gets to worry about you all night"

Charlize felt the corners of her mouth lift into a smile as she thought about it. she downed the rest of her drink "im in" she chucked her empty plastic cup into the crowd

he chuckled "so where is this boyfriend of yours? what does he look like?"

she thought about it for a moment while trying to remember what he was wearing "he's a little bit smaller than you, brown hair, brown eyes and hes wearing a green shirt and jeans" she smiled nervously "well i think that's what hes wearing anyways"

he cocked his head to the side and looked into the crowd of drunk teenagers "pretty vague description but I'll do my best.." he looked at charlize "so do ya need a ride?"

She nodded and looked around "so what exactly are you gonna do?"

He shrugged "im gonna take you home, come back, find your boyfriend and tell him that a friend of mine spiked your drink and took you home" he looked at her "whats your name by the way?"

"its charlize, but you can call me char i guess"

"Char? that's kinda weird, how bout i call you..." he thought about it for second "Charlie! your name is now charlie. lets go charlie" he started walking away without even asking her opinion

she shook her head and followed him. at least she wasn't throwing up on anybody this time. Charlize had no idea how long she had been there, but the sky was dark and all the street lamps were turned on.

When he stopped next to a shiny new looking Bugatti Charlizes mouth hung open, there was no way this was his car. she approached the car whilst gawking in amazement "this is your car..?" she looked at him in disbelief

"sorry to burst your bubble sugar, but that isn't my car" he chuckled and took out his keys "this is"

he pressed a button on his keys and an old looking mini vans head lights lit up. Charlize scoffed and opened the mini van door "i thought my new name was charlie, not sugar" she climbed into the passenger seat and rolled her eyes

he climbed into the car and put the keys into the ingnition "ill call ya what i want charlie" he smirked at her

she rolled her eyes as he started to drive "so where do you live charlie?"

"XXXX Victoria ave." she looked at the road ahead

the silence was very awkward, charlize wanted to say something to break the silence but had no idea what to say. she was in a strangers car and for all she knew he might have been planning to drug her and do things to her. she shivered at the thought

"so uhh.. why exactly did you go to a party with your boyfriend if you don't like party's?" he glanced at her with a raised brow

she sighed and furrowed her brows together in frustration just thinking about Austins little trick "he said he was gonna take me to the mall and i agreed because he said he would get me some food, but then he took me to the party and agreed to come because once again, he said there was free food" she used weird hand motions as she spoke

He glanced at her "you sure do love your food, huh?" he smiled "willing to go to a party all because he said there was food.." he gasped "did you get your food?!"

She gasped as well "God damn it!"

he laughed and pulled into her driveway "well i hope that you'll get your food someday charlie"

She smirked at him and opened the car door "he better get me my food next time i see him! or hes gonna have to deal with me!"

she climbed out of the car "Wait! can i have your number Charlie?"

Charlize turned around and crossed her arms "why do you want my number exactly..?" she raised an eyebrow

"so i can tell you how your boyfriend reacts when i tell him" he smirked and handed her his phone

she sighed and input her number in his phone before handing it back to him "dont ever text or call me unless its something important..." she smiled "unless its a prank or something"

she walked to her door and pushed it open to see her brother sitting on the sofa in the dark "Where have you been at this hour, char?!"

he turned on the lamp aggressively only for it to fall onto the floor with a loud crash, leaving them in the dark. Charlize flicked on the light, her brother was crossing his arms acting as if the lamp hadn't just broke because of him

she closed the door behind him and furrowed her eyebrows together in frustration "you can ask Austin about that next time you see him" she walked past Jace before stopping in front the stairs "make sure to clean up too, mom's not gonna like seeing her new lamp like that" she smirked and headed up the stairs

she flopped onto her bed and massaged her temples, it had been quite a day and she just wanted to doze off already. she heard a notification ring from her phone and checked, it was an unknown number so she checked the message

Hey Charlie! your boyfriend freaked out. his name was Austin right? that's what he told me anyways. sleep tight

she smiled and turned off her phone before realising one crucial thing she forgot to ask him. his name. she could have texted him asking what his name was but Charlize preferred asking questions like that in person.

she groaned and got up before changing into some pajamas and simply falling asleep in bed.

she'd have to ask if she saw him again, but then again, what were the chances of that?


oh boy! that one was long and thought out. sorry for last chapter being kinda short, i was busy... which sucks. a lot. what do you guys think of mystery boy? well cya next chapter!

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