Then - Paul

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He watched Maisy as she ran at the edge of the sea, her feet disappearing into the white foam. She threw her head back and laughed, the throaty sound floating across the air to him. He loved it when she laughed. Maisy being happy was all that he needed.

He knew that she was anxious sometimes, though she would never talk about it. He could just sense it, the shift in her behaviour. He didn't think any of less of her. Of course not. But he knew that their friends would, it was just what they were like. That's why she wouldn't tell.

"It's beautiful here" Tina sat beside him, towelling her long, dark hair dry, the water still glistening on her legs. She had stripped down to her knickers, at the persuasion of Beryl, who was currently wearing nothing but her knickers.

She lay the towel over her legs self-consciously, her cheeks pink.

Paul nodded, gazing out over the sea, not wanting to make her feel more uncomfortable, "We couldn't believe it when we found it' he leaned back onto his elbows so that his face was tilted up towards the sun, 'maybe we'll move in here next year."

"You should' Tina agreed, wriggling her jeans on beneath the towel, 'imagine living here all the time. I'd never leave."

"You should move in with us too" Paul said, though he wasn't sure why. Guilt perhaps. He had always been a people pleaser. The others would kill him if she said yes.

Tina smiled, bringing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. He noticed that they were puckered with goose bumps.

He looked up at Maisy again. She was lying on her front in the water as it washed over her, pulling her backwards a little as the tide went out, before sending her towards them again.

At first, he thought that her eyes were closed, that she was immersing herself in the pleasure and relaxation of the warm salt water. But then he saw that they were open, watching them as she floated closer and closer.


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