The Start Of Something New

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A/N: This is my first time writing a story, ever... I honestly don't know if it's good so I would like some feedback, be as critical as you want I don't mind, the more criticism the better :). But I had inspiration from reading some other people's story's and honestly I'm so happy to be in this fandom thank you, now enjoy...

Clementine awoke suddenly, her head sore from her dream with Lee, checking in with him like she said she would after getting her friends out from the boat. Stopping them from becoming soldiers, becoming what Minnie turned into.

It was a close call earlier that day on the bridge, Clementine luckily moved quicker than Minerva had anticipated her to, Minerva just missing her leg with the axe and getting it stuck in the rotting wood of the bridge. Giving Clem enough time to push her into the river below. Tenn was devastated with what Clem had done, but it allowed all of them to cross with no one else being harmed and he understood and forgave her afterwards.

Lee was proud when she told him what she did and how she got all her friends home safe, not one of them being physically harmed, although sadly Violet had been mentally, which hurt Clem down to her core, not only from what Violet had said to her on the boat but just Violet being hurt by Lilly and the Delta. Literally after Clem had proclaimed her feelings for the blonde, she had allowed her to be captured. Fortunately, even though she was pissed and her sudden betrayal trying to stop Clementine, she had listened to Clem's warning of the bomb and got off in time. All of them now back at the school celebrating.

AJ barged into the room ecstatic, making Clementine jump up, hitting her head, “ Clem! Clem! Everyone's ready for the party! We're waiting for you!” Clementine smiled at AJ's excitement
“Okay, goofball I won't be too long, go play with Tenn for a bit”. As soon as Clementine had stopped talking AJ sprinted off to find Tenn, the goofiest smile plastered on his face.
“How did I get so lucky to get such a nice little boy like AJ?” Clementine said to herself making her way towards the music room.

Everyone was there; Louis playing the piano. Tenn, AJ and even Willy colouring, what looked like to be pictures of each other, in the corner. Aasim writing in his journal, whilst watching Ruby intently, Clem knew he had a crush on her from “Truth or Dare” but he still wouldn't admit it.
Omar on a gas cooker they had found on the barge that Willy stole, tasting the food he had prepared making sure it was perfect before letting anyone else taste it and finally Ruby and Violet in the other corner, talking. That was until she had noticed Clementine standing in the doorway watching over everyone and enjoying Louis’ jazzy music.

When Violet saw her she smirked for a second, before hiding it away again with her cold exterior. Making Clem confused whether Violet hated her or not.

Clementine slowly strolled towards the blonde in front of her, before being caught off guard by AJ, grabbing her jacket, begging her to judge their drawings on whose was the best. Although Clem needed to talk with Violet, it would have to wait, she couldn't say no to such a cute face like AJ's. So she obliged and went to be the judge. Tenn had decided he didn't want his judged incase AJ got upset, but Clem didn't want to be bias anyway and said Willy's was the best, disheartening the younger boy, before a teethy smile appeared on his face and he spoke up “Thanks for judging Clem, how can I improve?”. Clementine was shocked that AJ didn't get mad at her for not picking his, but was content that he wanted constructive criticism on his drawing. Clem listed some ways he could improve, whilst seeing Violet from the corner of her eye, talking to Louis who giggled at her, getting a punch from the blonde girl beside him before playing classic slow music.

Suddenly she was tapped on the shoulder, turning around to see Violet holding out her hand, she was baffled at how quick she had gotten behind her, considering she had only just looked away.

“Um... would to dance?” Violet murmured, scratching the back of her neck.
“Y-yeah.. yeah sure” Clem replied, taking her outstretched hand and then wrapping her arms around Violet's waist, Violet wrapping hers around Clem's neck.

“I just wanted to say sorry for shouting at you on the boat… I-I was in a bad place, e-everyone's abandoned me before, you came back the first time… b-but when I saw you didn't save me, I thought you didn't care, you just lied about how you felt” Violet's voice got croaky, tears forming in her eyes “It's just when you came to save me, I didn't believe it, I thought you'd just leave again” She was crying on Clementine's shoulder at this point, but Clem didn't mind her shoulder getting wet, she just wanted to make Violet feel safe.
“I would always save you, you don't need to be sorry, I'm the one who should be, I should've saved you not Louis” a smile crept on to Violet's face, tears still falling down her face but she felt better now.
“You don't have to say that, I'm glad you saved Louis, with his loud personality he would've been in more trouble”

The song had finished now and everyone stopped. Clem listened outside and heard walkers, this was usual, them being in the apocalypse, but what was unusual about it was that it seemed to be hundreds of low sounding groans. Clem looked around the room to see if she was hearing what everyone else was. Her eyes widened as she noticed everyone else doing the same thing, realising that they were. She let go of Violet and sprinted out to the front of the school.

At the gate was the person Clem defied and didn't think she would have seen again, let alone a few hours after the events that took place, James… He was wearing his skin mask, but Clementine could see he had an angered expression below it, surrounded by what now seemed to be thousands of walkers. They must've all heard the boat explosion and James brought them here.

“I told you Clementine, you shouldn't have let him kill, shouldn't have let him become a murderer!”
“What are you doing James!?” Clem shouted back, not caring for how loud she was. Everyone had joined Clem now, staring at what James had done, confused at why he was doing it, as they had believed they were friends, not knowing about the conversation Clementine and James had prior to going on the boat.
“I'm doing what I should've done before, taking AJ. Hand him over and I'll get rid of the walkers, if not I'll have to take this place down and get him that way” James replied in a stern tone, making sure the walkers couldn't tell that he actually wasn't one of them.
"I won't let you take him!" Clementine screamed making the walkers groan louder. Everyone else moving infront of AJ, to stop James having any way of possibly grabbing the boy.
"Well I guess we're gonna have to do it the hard way then, Clementine. I'm sorry you've left me no choice!"

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