You're Bleeding!

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Pairing: Tyler x reader

Warnings: Blood! *said in Dracula's voice*

Word Count: 707

Drabble: "You're bleeding"

"The post mates is here!" Tyler called from downstairs. You stood up from his bed and ran down the stairs. You were welcomed with the sweet scent of Thai food and your mouth started watering instantly.

"Yes, I'm so hungry!" You grabbed the box from his hands and went directly to his kitchen to grab a fork. "This is why I love our sleepover nights," you giggled.

"Only because of the food? Not because of your amazing, loving boyfriend?" Tyler teased.

"It's mostly the food." You walked up to Tyler and planted a kiss on his chin before skipping over to the stairs and running back up to his room. You got all cozy under a blanket and pressed play on the episode of Sherlock that you and Tyler were watching.

"Couldn't even wait for me?" Tyler sat down next to you and started to eat his Pad Thai.

"Sorry!" You both finished your dinner and watched the end of the episode. It was around 8 when you ended up turning off the TV and taking the dirty plates down to the trash.

"What do you want to do now?" Tyler asked you.

You shrugged, "I'm not really sure."

"Mario Kart?"

You raised your eyebrow, "You're on." You both helped clean up the kitchen and went back up to Tyler's bedroom. He turned on his Nintendo switch and started to play.

"Can I please play as Toad this time," Tyler groaned as you rushed to click on the character.

"You always win with him so I'm only making it fair," you planted a kiss on his cheek but Tyler pulled away with frustration.

"You're still going to lose!"

"We'll see about that, Joseph!"

"GOSH DARN IT TYLER JOSEPH I WAS CLOSE TO WINNING AND YOU THREW THE BLUE SHELL," you screamed at the top of your lungs as you came in second place. Tyler was laughing at your anger but you were fuming. You stood up on the bed and started to jump and yell. You probably looked crazy, but Tyler was driving you crazy.

You grabbed the pillow that was beneath your foot and grabbed it, throwing it at Tyler's hands which were holding the Nintendo switch still. It went flying out of his hand and he looked up at you with wide eyes.


"Let's see if you'll win at a pillow fight!" you tormented him.

"You're such a poor loser," Tyler mumbled but you slapped the pillow against his face. "Oh, you've done it now!" He grabbed the pillow he was resting on and an intense pillow fight ensued. You both were standing on the wobbly bed, attacking each other with the fluffy white cushions.

Tyler ended up hitting your shoulder pretty hard making you lose your balance and fall backward onto his nightstand. Your arm crashed down on his lamp, making it fall and break. You looked up at Tyler who was staring down at you with his mouth wide open.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N, I'm so sorry," he jumped down and was at your side instantly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but jeez, you called me a sore loser?" You laughed as adrenaline was still pumping through your veins, numbing the pain.

"Y/N, you're bleeding." Tyler grabbed your arm which had a pretty big gash in it and the warm maroon liquid was pouring out.

"Oh no," you whispered as you started getting light headed from the sight of the blood. Tyler ran to the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit.

"I don't think it's deep enough for stitches, so just let me clean it up."

"Okay." You closed your eyes and bit on the pillow you were still holding as Tyler poured hydrogen peroxide on it.

"Does it hurt?" he whispered and you nodded. He planted a couple of kisses on your forehead to try to calm you down. He knew that you were never a big fan of blood.

"It feels better now, thank you Ty."

"I hope this didn't ruin our sleepover," he whispered. You smiled and shook your head.

"No, but maybe we could just cuddle for the rest of the night."

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