Bombs Away

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Kogami leaned back against the steel wall of the paddy wagon and closed his eyes.

"I still don't see how you can do that at a time like this," Ginoza said.

He sat beside Kogami fidgeting and occassionally starring at his wristcom as if willing the device to ring with a call or message from one of the inspectors.

With his eyes still closed, Kogami shrugged.

"Crime scenes involve a high amount of energy and a high amout of risk. A smart soldier rests whenever he gets the chance. I have no doubt Masaoka would agree that the same thing applies to Enforcers if he were here," he said.

An audible gulp came from across the vehicle from Kogami. One of those shiny new enforcers Division 1 had just picked up, no doubt. Probably the messy red-haired kid with the shifty eyes and nerdy look. The big man with too pale skin and dark hair was much less likely.

Opening one eye to sate his curiosity, Kogami saw that Sho Hinakawa looked pale in the dim light while Sakuya Togane sat perfectly stoic. Yep. Right on the money.

"Shouldn't we be preparing to deal with the crime scene?" Ginoza asked.

Kogami turned to look at Ginoza. His former boss/best friend looked different without his glasses on, but Kogami recognized the expression on his face, glasses or no. 

"What would you suggest we do? In case you have missed it, Enforcers don't get briefed on cases until Inspectors decide to brief them. You suggesting we call Tsunemori or Shimotsuki and demand information?" Kogami asked.

Ginoza shook his head.

"Of course not. I only mean that we should prepare mentally. You know how gruesome crime scenes can get," Ginoza insisted.

Another gulp came from across the aisle this time Hinakawa could be seen visibly shaking.

Kogami looked at the long black haired woman in suit sitting across the aisle next to Hinakawa.

"Karanamori, please try to keep the newbie from puking. Failing that, make sure to warn me so I can get out of the way in time," Kogami said.

He turned backed to Ginoza whose face looked slightly embarassed as he realized just what effect his words had had on Hinakawa.

"Gino, if you want to meditate or whatever relaxing pre-crime scene ritual you want to do then be my guest," Kogami said.

Ginoza nodded and looked away.

Kogami looked up to see Togane watching the exchange with apparent interest.

"You gonna puke too?" Kogami asked.

"It would take more than a few vague descriptions to make me lose it," Togane said.

The words were slightly distrubing, as if there was more too them then Togane was saying, but Kogami let that slip from his mind. One freaking out newbie was enough.

The paddy wagon slid to a stop. Seconds later, the door opened allowing the enforcers to exit into the night.

Kogami scanned the area out of the corner of his eye. It looked like they were at some kind of warehouse only it the building was brick instead of tin.

Akane Tsunemori, a short woman with brown hair cut into a bob and a blue MWPSB jacket, stood by her car. Next to her stood her partner, Mika Shimotsuki. She was about Tsunemori's height, but her hair was longer and held up in a pony-tail to one side. Shimotsuki eyed the Enforcers as they exited, as if they were all tardy and it was somehow their fault. 

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