Chapter XXVI

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Aaravos' POV

"You're probably all wondering why I've called you here?"

"Yes actually. Commander Gren just dragged me away from work and said you had some important information to give us. Mind telling us what that's about?" Opeli said with her arms crossed, everyone else around her seemed equally as confused and curious to find out.

"I'm getting to that Opeli, patience is a virtue and it would do you good to try it."

"You bast-"

"Anyways, now that everyone is here what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Gren interrupted the angry cussing that Opeli almost let slip, no cussing in front of the children after all.

"Thank you for that Gren, you got them all here rather quickly too. I'm impressed."

After my compliment he simply blushed a bit and remained silent, much to the joy of the people around us. It's like they all, minus the king and Claudia, have a problem with our developing relationship. Which is absurd because if that was the case Soren or Opeli would have actually said something, I think it's more about annoyance than actual dislike. It could be because I'm an elf or because I helped Viren at one point, but I'm not really sure yet. It wouldn't bode well for me anyways if Gren's friends hated us together... Even if we're not actually together yet. Human courtship is a complicated matter but I think I've been doing splendidly so far.

Looking around I make a final check of the people Gren managed to bring. Claudia, Soren and Callum were the first to be here, apparently Soren thought it was still important for the prince to learns sword play and Claudia probably joined to cheer them on. Ezran and Opeli came together as well, no surprise that the king was with the advisor before being summoned and from all the people here he seemed to be the less bothered by the abrupt call. General Amaya had arrived soon after, she looked like she had just finished training when she was called. Rayla was here as well with Runaan, I almost didn't notice when they got here, Moonshadow elves are highly skilled at sneaking around undetected but I managed to catch them entering through one of the windows. Runaan seemed more content that I've ever seen the assassin, perfect for me since I plan on revealing some startling information. Wouldn't want to piss off a moody assassin after all, I've heard they're prone to stabbing.

"This is sensitive information regarding the royal family. No more than 24 hours ago I found something out that you all should probably know."

"Are Ezran and Callum in danger?" Rayla asked but was quickly interrupted by the older assassin next to her.

"Are you the danger?" Runaan asked with a glare in my direction. Like I said, good mood. If he were in less of a good mood I would probably be held at sword point by now.

"No, the prince and king aren't in danger. And I'm not going to hurt them so stop trying to incriminate me." I easily reply with a pointed stare in Runaan's direction, all he did was shrug as if he didn't just accuse me of attempting regicide. Which I wouldn't do... Anymore.

"If not something dangerous then what is it you wanted to say?" Amaya signed for Gren to translate efficiently.

"I would have to start from the beginning... It would make things easier."

With a motion of the hand Opeli told me to keep going, they're all curious and are more than okay with hearing everything I have to say. Well... Almost everyone. Soren looked bored already and Runaan hates even being in the same room as me.

"Before I got trapped in the mirror I knew a wonderful human woman... Her name was Elarion. She was the first dark mage to exist and she would be the one to pass down something of mine for generations to come."

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