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Ashwati's POV
After a long tiring day, I finally reached home. Even a drive of 40 minutes seems like 2 hours in the Mumbai traffic. Riya opened the door and gave me a smile. I kept my bag on the table and sat on the sofa. Riya said," Ash Jaa kar fresh ho's already 11:30 pm!" I looked towards the clock and I couldn't believe it. I have been so late from office. I got up and moved to my room. Suddenly my phone rang and it brought a glow on my face. It was none other than my love, Kamlesh!

"Hey !" He said. As I heard his voice, I could feel all my tiredness going away.
"Hi" I said.
"What happened...why are you sounding so low?"
"Nothing much... actually I was about to take a I'll call you later."
"Ohhk...I'll call you some time later. Don't be asleep."
"Of course not... bubye."

I took a bath and went in the hall room to have dinner. Riya had already prepared it for me. She was in her room. I was all alone having my dinner. God! It's the worst thing ever. After such long and busy day...I end up having dinner alone! I finished it quickly and washed the remaining utensils.
I walked to my room and messaged Kamlesh if he was awake...and yes, he was awake. He called me and said"Hey" with his same enthusiastic voice.
"Hey... you're awake till now!"
"'s been so long I haven't heard your voice...I wanted to talk to you."
"Hey wait...may I video call you??"
"Oh sure..that would be much better!"
And I video called him. His sleepy eyes were so mesmerizing.

He said," everything alright?"
"Yup... everything is going well. My job...the daily routine."
"You don't seem well today?"

I decided to speak up everything.

" be honest...I am not feeling well...I am tired of this job...this daily routine...I have no time for myself...for us. Today, I have crossed the limit. I reached home at 11:30! I miss everything. I miss  you each and everyday. I kept you awake till this time. I know you should be resting now. You have Matches and you should be healthy for it. But because of me you are awake till now! I feel sorry for it! I want a break from this freaking job but I can't take a holiday!"

Kamlesh was listening to all this very carefully. He said," Ash you shouldn't be sorry for anything. It's your job and you are doing it very well. And about us, I think that we are fine with what we have now! I love you and I too miss you really hard. I want to be with you. Wait for you to be home from your office so that we can watch a movie and I can watch you sleeping on my shoulder. I want to spend each and every moment with you. I want to play matches and want to see you cheering for me from the stands. Ash...I really love you!"

I was in tears now. I couldn't say a word. The silence in that moment described my feelings. We both were away from each other but still we were together. I feel blessed for everyone I have with me. We both were feeling each other's presence in the mobile itself ( isn't this crazy!)

We didn't cut the call. I kept on watching him till I drifted off to sleep. He was still awake. I didn't knew when the time flew away and it was morning. The call was still on and Kamlesh was sleeping. His face had an expression of pleasure and the thing that made my day was his cute smile! That smile...THAT DAMN SMILE!!!!
Hope you all like this part! Pls do vote and comment the views for this one❤

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