Chapter One

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You're not one of them. You're different and you know it. You're name is (name) (surname), successor to the (surname) family. Your family owns an entire line of bakeries spread across the entire continent, specializing in different cakes and pies. You are an excellent baker who creates new recipes in your spare time. You're headstrong, you're prettt damn cute, and you have a keen eye. You aren't bland and shallow like most of the pretentious girls at this school. You work to contribute to your wealth. You are proud to be here. You aren't a girl. You're a woman.

However, there's something that you are just like the other girls in this school. The infatuation with the host club. You had a tray of cupcakes of your own new experiment and you walked up to music room three a few minutes earlier. Your family helps cater for the host club. you give Mister Otori, the money manager, a discount for the promotion. It's easier on both parties. You also see of customers appreciate your new recipient via the host club. You made it to the music room and you began checking to make sure all the goods meet protocol. Normally you don't run into anyone except Mistwr Otori, the employer. However, today was special.

"Excuse me (name)-chan?"

Someone else was in here? And they knew your name? You turned around and saw a very small boy you recognized as Honey-Senpai standing there, holding his little pink stuffed rabbit. You've never run into any of the hosts before, nor have you bought their services. You were curious to know how Honey knew your name. Oh wait. Nevermind. There's a reason that exposition in another paragraph can give about how he knew your name. You ignored it and smiled at him, forgetting your task for a moment to talk to him.

"Hello Senpai. You're a little early, aren't you?"

He's so adorable you're going to die. You remembered that you had the tray of new recipie cupcakes in your hand. You wanted to try and make mint chocolate chip cupcakes since the ice cream is so popular. They're really cool of you do say so yourself, with green frosting and chocolate shavings littering the top. You only had maybe a dozen of those. Honey seemed interested in the tray you were holding.

"What sweets are those? Is it more strawberry cake? I love strawberry cake!"

You know very well he loves strawberry cake. Honey Senpai's family, other than the host club, is your most profitable customer off of your family's strawberry cake. Your parents were delighted to hear about the Ouran catering job you took up on your own with your own employees might you add with Mister Otori. You shook your head as an answer to his question. Well, it won't hurt to give a cupcake to the sweetest host in the club, right? You took off the foil wrapping and revealed the new recipie. Honey seemed in awe by the sheer appearance and aesthetic of the sweets.

"These are something knew I tried. Mint chocolate chip cupcakes! I baked a dozen just to try. Would you like one?"

His cute facial expression said all you need to know. You took a cupcake and carefully handed it to Honey, making sure you don't smudge that one or any of the other ones. Honey took it and licked the tip of the frostings off, getting some chocolate shavings. Ah, so he was one of those people who eat the frosting before the cupcake, huh? Save the best for last? The author is one of those people too. You try to translate his reactions to each flavor for future reference. Expressions are louder than words. Regardless to whatever he did, he ate the entire thing in a flash. He beamed up a warm, sunny smile at you.

"These are really good (name)-Chan! Can you visit me during the club today and eat more sweets with me and Mori? Pretty Pwease?"

Puppy Dog Eyes. You're normally busy with homework the first hour to hour in a half after school... but maybe thirty minutes wouldn't hurt. He's too cute and impossible to say no to. You don't have a strong enough will to deny Honey of what he wants. You have no choice but to say yes.

"Of course I will, Senpai. Just let me finish up looking at all the baked goods then I will sign my name and pay for my visit with you. Is that okay?"

Apparently not. You turned around and went back to working, assortments g everything and finding a good place to fit your new recipie cupcakes with all the rest of the catered carbohydrates. Next to the rest of the cupcakes in between the normal chocolate and the red velvet sound nice. Everyone goes after the cakes and pies before cupcakes anyways, so you weren't expecting immediate results today. You expected Honey to leave and go do whatever he needs to do, but no. He just stood behind you and waited patiently, hugging Usa-Chan. You turned back around and were surprised to see him still there. When he noticed he had your attention again, he grinned wide.

"(Name)-Chan, what's your favorite kind of sweet?"

You're favorite sweet? You like them all. Macaroons are absolutely declidios and the best to post on instagram, when done right but they're so hard to make. Cookies and cupcakes are so common so that's not it. You like very complex sweets with many flavors that are a challenge to make. Layered cakes are very formal. Pies are common but more complex than the normal cupcake or cookie. Crembule is fun because you get to light stuff on fire. They're all so great. How do you choose one?! You find yourself smiling, just thinking about eating and baking all those sweets. 

"I don't have a favorite, Senpai. I just like sweets and baked goods."

You tired to match his innocent smile, but you knew it could never be as cute as his. Honey seemed happy with that answer. You turned back to the sweets and decided that you and Honey could do with one more seeet. You took a cupcake of your preference and got a red velvet one with cheesecake frosting and gave it to Honey. He was about to thank you but you put a finger to your lips, telling him that this was your little secret.

"Come on. Let's go so we don't get caught."

Honey nodded and started esting his cupcake, skipping along to get away from all the baked goods. You watched him and Little Usa-Chan underneath his arm. You are a bit of your cupcake before following him, making sure not to get the frosting on your yellow dress uniform.

 You had a good feeling about today.

1133 Words

Strawberry Prince [Honey x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now