The weasley twins

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Title: The weasley twins

Category: Books » Harry Potter

Language: English, Rating: Rated: T

Genre: Family/Friendship

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Disc: I don't own harry potter

"Bang" off goes one of George weasley's invention in the Weasley wizard Wheeze's back store room. The explosion sends one of the shelves in the room topples and fell onto the back store's door.With a chuckle, he stood up and brushes off all the soot from his forearm and face. One of his inventions is going well and it would only take a few more test tries before it will be ready to hit the shelf. He walks over to the fallen shelf and levitates it upright with his 8 inches wand

It was late morning when most of the customers were still bed or were at work. So he is free to do which ever experiment he likes. He walks out to the counter and right on the cue, Angelina walks in with lunch and his twin kids, Fred and Roxanne (Roxy).

Fred was born fifteen minutes before Roxy making him the older twin. Their features was mirror image of each other, the only different is the hair length. At the age of 11, both of them will be starting Hogwarts together with their cousin, Louis weasley

His wife took one look at her husband, heave a loud sigh and proceed to place lunch on the counter and fuss over his appearance. While the twins exchange a knowing look with each other and walk into the back store and check out their father's new invention.

Just after Angelina finish sorting out her husband. A loud bang came from the back store startled the both of them. George recovered and pulls his wife into the back store with him. Behind his experiment table, stood the twins covered with soot but grinning widely at their parents.

Angelina was shocked at first but had recovered when she saw the twins covered in soot yet grinning to reassure that they are fine. As soon as she has both her hands at her hips, the twins rushes over to her and she starts to clear the soot off them using cleaning spells that she learnt over the years.

By lunch time, everybody is now soot less and enjoying the spread that Angelina has bought along with her. The whole family was talking about the new invention- handheld zapper pinball. The twins were bragging to their mother that their score is the new high score, beating their father. The kick of the game is that losing it will cause the ball to self destruct with a loud bang and plenty of soot. It will be very embarrassing if you do lose.

After the lunch, the shop resumes operation and is bustling with activities. Fred was at row 2 explaining and demonstrating to one of the customers about and on the uses of skiving boxes. while Roxy was replenishing the fireworks' stocks at row 6. Angelina was stationed at the counter doing cashiering.

You might ask where George is. While the rest of his family is working hard, he was even working harder, dealing with all the order form and owl deliveries to all of the customers who could make their way down to their store. At 9 pm, they will pack up, lock up and apparate (together with the kids in hand) back to their cozy home.

Supper was served after all of them bathe and dressed in identical pajamas (house rule number 6 by set by George).when the twins arrived in the dining room; they took the seat opposite their parents and started wolfing down the supper.

"Where is the fire?" asked George jokingly

"Lily owled us just now and invited us to Potter's house for the game tomorrow at 10 "replied Fred with his mouth full.

"We want practice abit before we go" continued Roxy.

After 5 minutes, they finish their food in record time, went up to brush teeth and were ready for bed.

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