16: Bakery

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Scarlett woke up feeling refreshed, feeling only a dull ache in her head as she padded her way out of her room. She made her way downstairs and to the kitchen, her stomach rumbling for something to eat. Her attention was stolen by a plate set on their dining table. She curiously made her way towards it, smiling instantly at the sight of it.

On the plate were dozens of cupcakes, all iced in different colours with different decorations. She vaguely remembered shopping for these cake decorations for Nick's birthday cake last year. Her eyes scanned over the intricate designs and patterns made on the frosted cupcakes, her hand reaching out to grab her favorite design. It was a white frosted cupcake, five black lines running across the top and a black treble clef iced above the lines. As she picked up the cupcake, a little blue sticky note from under the cupcake caught her eye. She gently placed the cupcake down, picking the note up and reading it.

How did I know you were going to pick this particular cupcake? I left a little after you went up to your room, I'm sorry for being such a bother. Hope you're feeling better Tinker bell, it was your first time getting drunk. You're pretty comical when you're drunk, quite amusing really. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these and I hope you don't mind me using some of your ingredients for it.

See you on Monday Tinker bell

x H.

She couldn't stop the delicate smile that was curving at her lips, she couldn't stop the heated blush that reached her cheeks as she felt embarrassed over her drunken actions. She couldn't help but to let her stare linger on the little x of the note, feeling something flutter in her heart.

Harry was something alright, he was something. That boy could melt the hearts of a thousand-no, a million people, he could easily use his charm to persuade anyone.

Scarlett's mother came home soon after, delighted to see the delicious cupcakes sitting on the table.

"What's this I see?" She asks, eagerly picking up one of the cupcakes.

"Cupcakes." Scarlett replied, kissing her cheek as a greeting and grinning.

"From?" Her mother asked, knowing too well that Scarlett could not cook for the life of her.

"Harry." Her daughter muttered, a small, adoring smile etched on her face as she glanced at the cupcakes with clouded eyes.

"He made these?" She asked, surprised and impressed all at once.

Scarlett nodded eagerly.

"They're delicious." She said, now sitting down next to Scarlett on their living room couch.

"So how was the party?"

Scarlett's gazed shifted around the room uncomfortably, her hands fidgeting in her lap as she tried to stay still. She couldn't lie to her mother, she just couldn't.

"Honey?" Her mother asked softly, gently placing a hand on Scarlett's shoulder. The action soothed her, comforted her, but nothing could tame the nerves that were building up inside her.

"I told Harry." She muttered, gazing at her lap in deep thought.

Her mother sat still, stunned for a moment of silence. She didn't know Harry too well, but from the vibrant little smile that would always stretch across Scarlett's face at the mention of him, she knew the boy meant a lot to her. She knew that Harry was one of the reason's for Scarlett's new found happiness, and she couldn't thank Harry more for that. From what Scarlett had said, the boy had introduced her to a new life, a life with friends, support, and care. She was happy that Scarlett was finally confiding in someone other than her own mother. A mother could only do so much, and sometimes a friend's comfort can be so much more helpful. She had told Harry about her father, something which she found her daughter to be courageous for doing so.

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