Chapter 7

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Emma woke up with Regina snuggled close to her, she groaned at her usual morning wood but quickly smirked as her gaze Met Reginas naked body. "Wake up Baby Girl.", Emma Said smirking as she pulled the sleeping Brunette closer to her and turned her around, her Chock immediately hardening at the View Of The Naked Brunette. "Nooo..what's the time?", Regina pouted and tried to get under the blanket again but Emma wouldn't let her just yet. "It doesn't matter, get up.", Emma Replied as she kissed Reginas Lips And pulled the Brunette closer so her Ass was pressed against Emma's crotch.

"I wanna Sleep.", Regina Murmured, Yet she pressed her Ass against Emma. "Mmm no sleeping anymore.", Emma Replied And Stroke with her Chock Against Reginas Entrance. "So wet for me..", Emma Murmured smirking as she pulled the Brunette even closer until she was that close Emma could just Enter her easily.

"Such a naughty little Girl.", Emma Said smirking as Regina started grinding against Emma again. "Please Daddy..", Regina begged as she started grinding harder; she still was a little sore but wouldn't mind it any further. Emma Hummed a little before Regina suddenly got up and got on top of The Blonde before sitting down, Emma entering her by it. "Eager are we?", Emma asked smirking as she looked at the Goddess riding her. Oh how much she loved it when Regina was horny. "But seriously what's the time?", Regina asked as she kept going up and down, her Hands were on Emma's Chest to hold herself up. "About twelve o'clock, why?", Emma asked and Regina immediately got off. "I have to go to work!", Regina Explained And quickly got all her Clothing items back from the floor-all but her Panties which Emma had a grip on. "Mmm you might get them when you return your beautiful Ass here.", Emma smirked as she pulled the Brunette close again. "Please Daddy..I want them.", Regina pouted as she reached for the Panties but Emma Pulled them away before Regina could get them. "We'll see.", Was Emma's only response before she went back to Bed while Regina put on the rest of her Clothing.

Actually Regina did not have to head to work yet, but she needed to get away from Emma to think. She fell for her in the short time they knew, that much was clear to her. She always did that mistake, she always fell for someone too easily and ended up hurt. But with Emma it was different, she wasn't just sure she loved her, she also wasn't sure if it was what she wanted-the Relationship. Did she really want that kind of relationship? She normally wouldn't...normally Regina would love getting cuddled and loved to go on dates, Kiss, Cuddle, Joke around loved to be loved. She wanted Love not Sex but she was sure Emma didn't care or neither could give her that, it was quite clear that Emma wanted her as a submissive and not as a Girlfriend, Regina Thought.

"Hey Hot shot!", Ruby, her Friend called as she entered the Club. "Hey...", Regina Replied with a Small smile. Oh if Emma could only give her what she wanted so badly. Needed so badly. "So? How are you? I haven't heard from you yesterday.", Ruby asked but immediately sensed that something was wrong with her Friend so she got them to her Private Room and sat at the Sofa with Regina before pulling the Brunette into a tight Hug. Ruby was well aware of why Regina needed that Love, why she needed those cuddles; her mother had never shown any Love to her and basically controlled her life, that was until Regina stopped it and became a Stripper and prostitute, definitely not her first choice. Anyway, Ruby would always cuddle with the Brunette if she needed it.

"What is it, Cutie?", Ruby asked as She pulled Regina on her Lap, others often assumed they would be Girlfriends but they always knew better since Ruby was into someone else. "I-I Met this Girl...", Regina started in a small Voice as she held onto her Friend. "And? Isn't that great?", Ruby asked as she stroke circles on Reginas Back. "Yes but...I-I think i love her already...a-and I want a Relationship but she just wants Sex and BDSM.", Regina Explained softly as a Tear left her Eyes. It seemed weird since Reginas Job was basically fucking and stripping but in there she was a small softie that just wanted to be Loved, a softie that would just show around people she trusted. "Did you tell her that you want a Relationship?", Ruby asked and Regina just shook her Head a little while her Friend held her close, Ruby knew she couldn't push Regina to anything so she didn't try it-yet. She would let nobody hurt her Friend, not anymore.

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