Tuesday, October 31, 1934

81 4 44


The scariest day of the year.

Also the only day you can scare people for fun!

I dressed up as a ghost that year, which at the time I thought was stupid, because it consisted of putting a bed sheet over your head and cutting holes in it for the eyes (I had very limited resources back then). I wasn't very surprised that most of the other kids in my class dressed up as the same thing, but in different variations. Some of them didn't, though, but they weren't many. As I was looking around the classroom, I felt someone touch my shoulder and jumped. When I saw the bloodied ghost standing behind me I screamed.

"Calm down, it's just me."

The person who had spoken lifted the sheet up and I saw that it was Roger.

"What is that?" I asked, still slightly worried.

"I'm a demon," Roger said.

"A what?" I asked, confused.

"A demon," Roger said. "You know, like, Satanic stuff."

"No, I don't," I said. "Is that blood?"

"Sadly, no," Roger said. "Besides, where would I get it?"

"I'm sure there's lots of places where you could get blood," I said.

"Roger, what is that?"

It was the teacher. Roger looked up at her and smiled.

"I'm a demon," he said.

The teacher did not look happy.

"A what?" She asked.

"A demon," Roger repeated. "You know, like-"

"I know what that is Roger, thank you," the teacher said. "And your mother let you wear that?"

"My parents could care less what I did," Roger replied.

"It's 'my parents couldn't care less,'" the teacher corrected him. "Not 'could care less'."

"Whether they could or couldn't, fact is they don't care," Roger said.

The teacher said nothing else, and after a few seconds she walked away.

"Do your parents actually not care what you do?" I asked. Roger laughed.

"Nope," he said.

"Hi Roger."

Roger and I both looked towards the sound and saw Ralph walking towards us. He was dressed in what I assumed to be some sort of military uniform.

"What are you supposed to be?" Roger asked. "A ship captain?"

"I'm a naval officer," Ralph said.

"Aww!" Roger said sarcastically, "Just like your daddy. Do you even see him anymore?"

"Stop it," Ralph said, his smile instantly fading. I could almost see the anger and hurt beginning to build in him.

"I'd be surprised if he was still alive," Roger continued. "He's never around. By the way, how is toilet training going for you? Do you still pee sitting down?"

"Stop. It." Ralph's face was turning red and he was clenching his fists. I could tell he was hurt and angry.

"Roger," I cautioned. He ignored me and kept going.

"What are you going to do when you get older?" he said. "You can't pee sitting down forever. Who'll be there to teach you otherwise?" He paused for a second, then he said, "It would suck if I was in your position."

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