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"...what did he wanna talk about ?"

Felix asked as he turn his head to look at Jisung as they walked.Giving his squirrel friend  all his attention, he could already tell that Jisung wasn't happy about the news he received last night.

"Dad says the restaurant is going under reconstruction.. So we're going to have to evacuated the place..." The brunette spoke with a sad and tired tone.

"that doesn't sound so Ba—"

"We're moving.. "


Felix stopped at his tracks and looked at Jisung, who did the same though he Was looking at the ground. clutching the straps of his backpack, this made the freckled boy frown.

"Dad said..it's a good opportunity to start house hunting.. Maybe I'm overreacting because it's not that we're moving away
...b-but.." Jisung sounded like he was on verge of tears,shaking slightly. Felix reach out to pull his "birthday twin" into a tight hug, rubbing his back in comfort.

"it's okay sung..it's okay...im Here.." Felix said quietly as he Let his squirrel friend cry on his shoulder.

The han family owns a Family restaurant and it has been pass on for generations. The top Floor of the building was the Han's home while the bottom of the building is where their beautiful restaurant was. It was mostly calm on normal days but on special occasions, it was busy with costumers. Always rated as one of the best  places with good food out there, This place was quite popular you see. Mr.Han, Jisung's father, decided to expand the restaurant as in the upstairs section will be remodeled  to Be another part of the restaurant.

Jisung didn't like that idea..it meant he had to leave his Home..his home for the past 17 years. His home that he grew in.The home that his family have been living for generations! The home that meant so much to His dear mother.... His mother really loved this place..she adore it much. Mrs. Han always helped around in the restaurant ,In fact she was always in the kitchen helping the cookers. Heck she would even be the waitress ,giving foods to the costumers and loving seeing the smiles of the people as they ate their delicious food!

She really adored this place and wish to always live here.

But sadly she got very ill and passed away.

It's been 12 years ago since she passed away.

The reason why Jisung doesn't want to leave this place.. Because it's the one thing it  had a strong connection to his mother.

That was something he wasn't ready to let go.

"you poor kid..first it Minho's rejection.. Now this..?" Seungmin flinched when he felt someone had slapped him from the back of the head. He quickly turn around to see nobody but Hyunjin glaring at him.

"Don't bring up that jerk!he's still Sen—"

"no it's okay...im over him "

Felix,seungmin and Hyunjin all stare at Jisung at suprised, this startled Jisung as he saw all their suprise faces on them.


"you..?..moving on..? That quickly..? "

"Jisung is okay to be heartbroken!" Felix exclaimed as he place his hands on the the brunette's shoulders. "you don't have to be strong for us!it's okay!cry over that pathetic loser!"

"Felix Is right! It's okay Jisung, you're not alone!"

" should we come by later..?I'll bring icecream, tissues and sad movies we can watch." Seungmin said as he look at Jisung with a concerned look.

Cold hearted jerk|| MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now