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        "I guess that saying is true after all.."

"What saying..?"

"You know..that saying where Senior year is the year you lose all of your friends.."

"You do realize how stupid you sound?"

Jisung pouted as he quickly sat up on his bed as he took off the speaker mode from his phone and put it against his ear instead.

"Hyung! Im serious!I haven't heard anything from Seungmin ever since he left for the states! A-and then Felix won't even talk to us, he's been avoiding us ever since! And don't get me started on Hyunjin—!"

"Sungie— Breathe. "

The brunette puff out his cheeks as he let himself flop back onto his bed. Though he ain't gonna lie he felt his heart skip a beat at the new nickname the older had given him, it made him slightly smile. Jisung took a deep breathe in and then let it all out before opening his mouth again,gripping a bit tightly on his phone as he rolled onto his stomach.

"I-it's Just...It has always been the 4 of us. We have always been together but now we're not talking to each other..I hate this.."

The brunette spoke softly as he lean his cheek against the palm of his free Hand. He could hear the older letting out a simple 'Hmm' from the other Line which made him pout again. He once again roll back onto his back to stare up at ceiling. Minho's silence made him feel like he probably didn't care about this, maybe this was just si—

"Stop overthinking."

Jisung choked on his spit the moment Minho decided to randomly speak up at the moment he was getting Deep Into his thoughts. He sat up quickly as he got into a small coughing fit, reaching out for his water bottle that was on his nightstand. Opening it and consuming what was left in the water bottle quickly. On the other hand Minho was lost why the boy was dying on the call.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah..I'm okay— I don't know wh—"

Jisung bit his bottom lip as he felt his face going hot by how he just embarrassed himself over the Phone with Minho. As he let himself sink back into his bed, all he could hear how the older let out a small laugh from the other line.

"I-it's not funny!—"

"It totally is. How can you be this clumsy?"

"I-I'm going to Hang up!"


Jisung  stopped himself midway from pushing the the Red button, he slowly brought his phone back against his ear. He heard the older let out a sigh before he spoke again.

"Right now. They just need space and time."

Minho started as he took a second to collect his thoughts once more before he continued.
" sooner or later you guys have to talk at some point. They're going to want to talk to you, Maybe right now they're not ready. If you guys really did have that strong bond,then they'll surely reach out to you again. So.." Minho leaned against his chair as he looked up at the ceiling as he hold his phone against his ear.

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