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          {Highly edited}

         " you should forget about Minho"

Those words had been ringing in the younger's head ever since Hyunjin brought up the topic. This was the first time he had seen the older(just by a Couple months)of the group be so serious about something. Even Seungmin and Felix seem to agree with him, simply because Minho was nothing but a jerk,he had done nothing but humiliate him and stomp all over his feelings. The last thing they wanted was Minho to take advantage of the poor squirrel's feelings.

"You have to face reality,he would never care about your feelings,sung"

His grip tighten on the straps of his bag as he bit his bottom lip. No matter how those words hurted him so much,it was true and that was the sad reality Jisung was living in. Walking home was awfully slow and quiet, the sun was already setting even though he had left school hours ago. But what could he have done? After he had that conversation with his friends,how could he even go 'Home' right away?

' you should seriously start moving on'

Jisung stopped in front of his destination.

The lee's house

Lights were on which meant the Lee's family were home. His father of course wasn't around since he had found another job to currently work in while his restaurant was under construction. Which meant he was going to be alone with the Lee's...he was going to be alone with Minho...

But why was he thinking about this? Why did hyunjin's words irk him so much? Wasn't this established since that day? Jisung told himself that he wouldn't like Minho anymore..that he wouldn't chase after him anymore. This crush that became so silly and stupid at the end, this crush that brought him nothing but pain.

Maybe Hyunjin was right

He should forget about Minho

Though Jisung was so caught up in his thoughts,he didn't noticed when the door open.

"Jiji?what are you doing out here?"

Jisung snapped out his trance,slowly looking up to see Mrs.Lee, tilting her head slightly as she blinked but then a warm smile made its way onto her lips. She place her hands on her hips.

"Why are you just standing there?come in!dinner is almost ready!"

Jisung shyly nodded as he looked down and slowly walked into the house with Mrs.Lee closing the door behind them. He flinched when he felt a hand on his back and turn around to face a smiling Mrs.Lee.

"Make yourself at home,ji" she spoke softly as she gently ruffled the younger's hair, a warm smile still present on her lips before she left his side to make her way to the kitchen. Jisung stood there as he watch her go, bringing his hand to the spot where she has ruffle.

"Oh.. you're back. That's a shame"

The brunette quickly turn around to face the Middle schooler who was laying down on the couch as he watch some cartoons on The television.

"What took you so long? Did you get lost or something?"

Jeongin spoke with emotionless tone,like he wasn't really interested,as he kept his eyes focus on whatever was playing on the T.V
Jisung shifted uncomfortably as he brought his hand to hold onto his forearm as he looked around the room.

"Something like that.."

The younger let out a small chuckled,finally looking away from the television to look at the Brunette. "You're seriously stupid just how my older brother says"

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