talent show

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roc: man wat am I gonna wear

prince: anything

roc: oww man

prod: what?

roc: it's 7:59

prodigy: hurry then

meanwhile at yazmins

momma t:rays here

yazmin: coming

ray: yazmin could you step outside for a minute

yazmin: ook

ray: brook I beat him up and then came here to see if your ok

yazmin: u did what ray he's gonna kill you!!! what were you thinking

ray: he won't kill me

yazmin: ray he's in a street gang they will kill you stay with me my uncle is his boss so he won't kill you and thank you (kisses ray on the cheek) good night

ray:good night

roc pulls up

roc: u ready

yazmin: sure am

skating rink

yazmin: here hold my hand

roc: I can skate

yazmin: ik but at this rink wen slow songs come on we hold hands

roc: o well I picked a good rink

yazmin: boy you crazy

roc: ik soo are you ok from earlier

yazmin: yeah I'm fine

roc: well the talent show is tomorrow

yazmin: ik I'm on the ballet

roc: us too

yazmin:thts wats up

2hours passed

roc: alright i Guess it's time to go

yazmin: yeah big day tomorrow

the next morning

yazmin: ugh o the talent show is today o shit I gotta get ready

school building

Janice: so were are we supposed to go for the talent show

ciara: the gym but were is yazmin ray is trying to surprise her

Janice:idk but she better hurry

ciara: hey baby

prod: hey is she here yet

yazmin: sorry I'm late had to pick a outfit

prod: nvm

principal: everyone take a seat and settle down and clap your hands for more mindless behavior

Princeton:we dedicate this song to yazmin from ray - ciara from prod -Britney from roc and Janice from me

you now rocking wit mb girl u didnt know wish I could drive a wip and take you round the city walk into the street let me pick up something pretty for you wish we can ball out in the club in the night like you heard me but tht might be just. a little to early instead of shopping malls take u the. toshima hall maybe the island I want the finest for you (yes) I know I'm young but I ain't even trying to fool ya so wat I'm saying girl I gotta. future I gotta future and wen in older I'm now just wat to do wit ya because the future looking bright so come into the light and everything thts wrong I'll make it right cause girl I gotta future future future girl I got a future

back stage

ciara: aww thank u bae

Janice: I love you


ray: we're is yazmin

Janice: she's on stage

principle: give it up for yazmin with Beyonce love on top

honey honey I can feel the stars all the way from here can't you see the glow on my window pain I can see the sun wen ever your near every time u touch me I just melt away now everybody ask me y I'm smiling id. give to here but ik oohoh tears so thts y u put me first baby it's you your the one i love your the one I need your the only one I see come on baby it's you your the one tht gives your all your the one I always call wen i need you make everything stop finally u put mylove on top

roc & ray:damn

prince &prod :damn

Janice& ciara: yeah u go girl

yazmin: wat did u think

roc: be my rock

yazmin: huh?

ray: yazmin would you be my girl

yazmin:yes yes I will


roc: bitch

ray: told u I'll get her before you did.

yazmin: oh I gotta go bye

ray : bye my princess

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