diggy & mahiyah story♥♡♥

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Diggy: umm babe I'm going to the court with the boys

Mahiyah: Ok I'll be with the girls

Diggy: see u later

Mahiyah: bye

Later at the court

Diggy: hey three point shot

Roc: oww he made it

Prince: dang dawg u got it down packed

Diggy: there she goes guys

Roc: damn she fine

Prince.: her booty doe

Prod & ray: she ight

Prince - roc -diggy: wat? Ight do u see wat we see

Prod: mann I love ciara more than I love myself

Ray: same with me and yazmin we have a family and she loves me

Taliyha: hey it's u

Diggy: it's u

Taliyha: I ment to give u my number the other night

Diggy: wat is it

Taliyha: 754-234-2231

Diggy: ok txt u later

Taliyha: yeah later

Back at yazmin and ray house

Yatonya: mommy is raynard up.

Yazmin: yes he is

Yatonya: yay

Yazmin: she loves him so badd

Mahiyah: I see and tht picture of them sleep together was so cute

Yazmin: ik I loved it I set it as my home screen

Mahiyah:I feel diggy is cheating

Yazmin: y u say dat.?

mahiyah:Because he always going places without me and he's always on his phone

Yazmin: ok so tonight let's go out and spy on him by ourself me u and the girls


Yazmin: ok let me cook clean and bath and get the kids ready we can go shopping and we can take the kids to Disneyland and rapids dis weekend

Mahiyah: thnxs yazmin your very nice and I love u for being a good friend

Yazmin: no problem thts wat friends are for

Later tht day

Ray: mann let's go back to my house and eat

Diggy: yeah I'm starving

Prince: u ain't lying doe

Prod: I miss my babe

Roc: me too

Ciara:u missed me prod.

Prod.: yall heard dat

Diggy: yeah

Ciara: turn around

Prod: babe your back from Paris

Ciara:yeah I missed u very much

Prod: not like I missed u

Ciara: let's go home I'm sure Yazmin cooked

Ray: im wit dem

Later dat day

Yatonya:raynard look at the camera

****Click ***

Yatonya: yay let's go

Yazmin: Yatonya are u Ok

Yatonya:yeah just making memory's

Yazmin: ok baby doll

Mahiyah: hey is tht diggy

Yazmin: yeah wat is he doing in the jewelry store

Mahiyah: with another female

Yazmin: Yatonya u and raynard go to the playground mommy and god mommy have to do some thing


Mahiyah: diggy

Yazmin: shush don't let him see you

Taliyha: it's beautiful diggy

Diggy: ik I love u Taliyha

Taliyha: I love u too♥♡♥☆★☆★☆ⓛⓞⓥⓔ

Mahiyah: (begins to cry) ik it ugh take me home.

Yazmin: ok Yatonya let's go

Yatonya: ok

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