2steps ahead of the game

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3years later

Yatonya:ugh raynard move

Raynard:you ugly yatonya

Yatonya: mommmm

Yazmin: yes

Yatonya: I need my own space I'm 15 now he's treating me like I'm his age

Yazmin:im 23 and yall treat me like I'm your friend

Raynard: I'm 9 and she hates me

Yatonya: only because your annoying

While yatonya and raynard were arguing yazmin got fustrated

Ray: enough u too

Yazmin: thank u bae

Ray: no prob

Yazmin: now yatonya wen u were little u loved raynard so much u even made a scrap book about u too

Yatonya: but ma I was 10 I'm 15 now

Yazmin: what goes around comes around

Back in new York.

Taliyha: babe the baby is crying

Diggy: handle it

Taliyha: diggy I'm cooking cleaning and washing and now I have to get Damon because u don't want him ugh your a horrible dad u know

Diggy: I love u

Taliyha: w.e

Later at mahiyah house

Maya: mommy mommy I'm hungry

Mahiyah: k I'll make u a sandwich k

Maya: k mommy

jacob Latimore : do daddy a favor and go watch t.v

Maya: o tay

Mahiyah: o jay I love u so much

Jay: I love me too

Mahiyah: stupid

Jay: oww jk I love u babe

Mahiyah: u do

Jay: of course I would never break your heart

Mahiyah: jayy aww kiss me u fool

Jay: gladly too

Later at prod crib

Ciara: Baby boy

Tj: yes ma

Ciara: u ready to go

Tj: yes mam

Ciara: prod u ready to meet ray at the rink

Prod: sure am



Britt: I'm already ready

Roc: wow your 2steps ahead of. The game

Roc : bam bam

Britt: babe how many times have I told u she prefers her self as the bam

Roc: the bam

Bambi: yes daddy

Roc:u ready

Bambi: yes

Roc: k


Janice: prince

Prince: yeah

Princess: mommy he take to long

Janice: u ready

Prince: no

Jacob: dang da u act like u going to prom and I'm only 15

Princess: shut up im 8 yay

Prince: I'm ready

Jacob p.o.v

Mann I hope yazmins there aww she's the finest girl I ever meet and her hazel eyes make me sweat and her booty shakes everytime she moves ohh but I hate her boyfriend wade I don't trust dat guy yatonya is to pretty to be with him she should be with me at least I'll treat her right o the things I'll do to be with her

he know im mindlessWhere stories live. Discover now