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The next morning

Ray: hey sleepy head

Yazmin: hey

Ray: u alright

Yazmin: yeah but umm... my mom's coming to California and umm.. me and her have a surprise

Ray: yoo I love suprises

Yazmin: good because I have a big one

Ray:give me kisses

Yazmin: mmmmm

Roc: get yall nasty asses up and come eat

Yazmin:k let me get dressed

Roc: w.e

15mins later

***ding dong ***

Yazmin: coming

Momma t: hey baby boo

Yazmin; momma

Momma: we're is ray

Yazmin: in the shower

***Ding dong ***

Roc: yoo

Momma Norwood: hey my grandchild and daughter in law

Everyone: wat?

Momma Norwood: I call her tht now

Everyone: o

Momma Norwood: hello I'm rayray momma

Momma t: hey im yazmins mom

Ray: momma t momma what yall doing

Momma Norwood: eating with yall

Ray: ok

2hours later

Yazmin: it's time

Momma t: me first I'm engaged to Chris brown

Prod: ohhh were he at

Momma t: in the car

Momma Norwood: yazmin your turn

Yazmin; k umm... everyone I'm... pregnant...


Roc: omg

Prodigy: =-O=-O

Prince: my niggga

Ciara: yay a new member

Brittnay: no way a little yazmin

Janice: or ray

Yazmin:!!!! surprise!!!!

Ray:I gotta go lay down

Yazmin: o ok :-(

In the room

Meme: Hey

Ray: sup

Meme: non just missing you

Ray: o same over here

Meme:come see me

Ray: ight wen

Meme:12:00 see you then

Ray: bye

End of conversation

Yazmin over heard and didn't believe wat she heard so she had a plan to go out there and see for herself

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