Oh babe.

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After buying like twenty different pregnancy tests we went to my boat house my parents still go to. Ran to the bathroom.

"Hurry hurry!" Rylee yelled at me as I tried to unlock the door.

"I'm trying I'm trying." I screamed back.

The door flung open I handed her the bag and she headed for the bathroom. Which she couldn't find for like ten minuets.

-15 minuets later-


We plopped on the couch and sighed in unison.

"How? Why? Not now?" Rylee said curling into a ball.

"Everything's gonna be alright. We just need to figure something out." I Said rubbing her back.

"Like what? and I'm not getting an abortion."

"Than I don't know what to say, Rylee" I patted her back getting up to get some water.

"Well what do I do now?"

"Call shawn tell him the big news!" I laughed.

"No! Not yet!! I'm not ready to tell him and I think he's not ready to know!" rylee buried her head under a pillow. She mumbled something.

"What?!" I asked.

"Let's get off this topic for right now. What are we going to do with you and Nash?" She lifted her head.

"I guess go to his house and talk? What else should I d?" I laughed grabbing my keys. "Watch some tv it will get your mind off things and try not to eat everything."



I got to his house and turned off my car. I pulled out my phone and tweeted. 'Surprises are good right?'

Than got out. I rang the door bell after standing on his porch for like twenty minutes thinking about what I was gonna say. Two minuets later the door swag out and Nash appeared in the door frame. I stared into his eyes he came out and shut he door behind him. I was going to start talking but than he kissed me. Wrapped his arms around me pulling me up so I had my arm around him and my legs. He opened the door being carful not to break the tension between us and slammed the door behind.

"Is anyone home?" I whispered out of breath.

"Nope." He smirked starting to walk up the stairs. He led me down a hall "are you sure you want to do this?" he looked at me.

"Of course, we just have to make it quick." I winked at him. He opened his bedroom door than pinned me up against the wall, crashing his lips onto mine hungrily.

"I missed you so much, Jordan." He growled. I moved my hands down to his pants not breaking the kiss. I had his belt unbuckled and his boxers around his ankles in seconds. I looked at him as he threw us on the bed.

"Nash bud I bought you some ice cream if you want any?" Hayes nocked on the door.

"I'm good right now." Nash yelled hoping he would leave.

"Let's watch a movie." Hayes suggested.

"You can pick I'll be down in a second." Hayes walked away.

"Now let me finish what I started." Nash winked making me blush.




I sat on the couch waiting for Nash to come down stairs.

"Nash you okay?! I know that bitch ruined you but you can at least come down stairs." I turned around to see Jordan sneaking out the door. "WHO LET YOU IN HERE?!" I yelled.

"Shit." I herd her mumble under her breath.

"Hayes its okay I let her in." Nash came down the stairs.

"What did you guys make up or something?" I asked even if they did I still wouldn't like her the way I did before.

"Kinda" Jordan winked at Nash and left.

"Dude did you?" I started.

"EWH what no?!" he walked back up stairs.

"Hey what about our movie?!" I yelled. Eh forget the movie I gonna find out what they're up too. Wait I thought Jordan was back in la. Woah I got a lot of work.




Hayes the investigator. Jordan the forgiver. Nash the lover. And Rylee the lucky one. Who else. What next continue reading. Don't forget to vote. Love you guys.

Stay Nashty


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