Chapter 3

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I walked out with Valka and Cloudjumper wanting to fly for a bit, so we left the nest and fly through the cold air nipping at my black scales but it felt good for me because after months of resting I can finally stretch my wings, literally. As we are flying through the sky, I'm flying right beside Valka and Cloudjumper, I heard someone yelling out of frustration. "Did you hear that?" I asked Cloudjumper. "Yes I did and from the looks of it so did Valka." He said and I just nodded. "I'll meet you guys at the nest and let everyone know about this." I said and flew off while they deal with the new visitors.

Once I made it to the nest and told the dragons about what's going to happen, some of the dragons left to go 'meet' the newcomers and I went to go hide until Valka said it was ok to come out of hiding once she gets here. As I waited I hear a human male talking with Valka then a male dragon scent came to my nose and I thought that I'll never smell or hear another Nightfury ever again!

As I listened to Valka talking to, now known as her son, Hiccup about what Drago Bloodvist did to the other dragons. "One was blinded, the other lost a wing and one a leg and if I didn't make it to a hunter ship then (Y/N) would of lost a limb or worse." I heard Valka say. "(Y/N)?" Hiccup asked confused.

Then Valka whistled a little and I come out of hiding slowly and over to her but staying close since I don't know what they'll do to me. "Another Nightfury!" Hiccup said excitedly which made me hide even more behind Valka. "(Y/N) was on a dragon ship and she had deep wounds all over her, but she's lucky that Cloudjumper and I came and freed the dragons and her." She explained.

I noticed that the scent of the male Nightfury is now in front of me which made me jump back in surprise. "It's ok I'm not going to hurt you and my name is Toothless." Toothless introduced himself and I just nodded. "Come, Hiccup I'll show you all that you need to know about every dragon." Valka said as she walked away with Hiccup but Toothless stayed with me.

I sat there with Toothless and we swapped stories like how he was shot down by Hiccup but they soon became friends and now Vikings and dragons now live in harmony and I started to tell my story on what happened to the other Nightfury's and how I got captured to getting here but I left out being blind since I didn't want to be treated differently. Like I did back home when I was with my parents when I was just a hatchling. We talked so much that we both ended up falling asleep, it's good to have another Nightfury around and maybe we can become friends or maybe a little more.
Hey guys! Phoenix here! I made this story during school but we're not doing anything in class so I thought that it would be a good idea to make the 3rd chapter of this book. But the thing is that I don't do this on my phone, I have a tablet that connects with a keyboard so it's easier to do and see how long the chapter is and what I need to fix so if this chapter shot or has miss spelling or something then I'm so sorry and will make the next chapter longer. Also there is good news, next week is spring break for me so I can make more chapters if nothing important is going on so for now have a good day or night and see you guys in the next chapter! Phoenix out!

On Night's Wing (Toothless X Blind Reader)Where stories live. Discover now