Chapter 4

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I quickly woke up from my nap when I felt movement beside me but after one sniff I soon realized it was just Toothless so I just calmed down and start to hear dragons laving. "It's time to eat!" I said happily and quickly followed the other dragons and to dodge rock and ice, I had to use a little echolocation.

Soon we made it outside and I found Cloudjumper and the others and start to fly with them. "So why did you name her (Y/N)?" Hiccup asked. I can tell that Toothless looked at me confused also, from how I can feel his eyes staring at and I just smiled and get ready since the alpha will be bring the fish up soon. "Well because it fits her." Was all Valka said.

We all waited then I heard the splash of our alpha then the scent of fish caught my nose and I quickly start to go after the fish but I always run into other dragons and hardly catch some of the fish but at least Valka catch some fish for me, for later.

After flying for a while we landed on an island and I waited for Valka and when I heard fish hit the snowy ground, I bend my head down and start to eat the fish. When I finished eating we all fly back into the sky and start to have some fun before having to go back to the nest and once we got there we all rest for a bit.

Valka went to go check on the other dragons, Hiccup and Toothless are enjoying the view and I'm in the cave that I share with Cloudjumper and Valk but I could of sworn that I heard people talking but I just shrugged it off and rest for a bit but I didn't know that we'll be having new visitors very soon
Hey guys! Phoenix here! I know it's been a few days since I did chapter 4 but I've been busy with real life stuff so I hope that you guys have a good day or night! Phoenix out!

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