Chapter One

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My new school towered in front of me in a little town in West Virginia. Kids roaming in front and inside. None of whom I knew. Alone I watched people ram into each other, forgetting to apoligize. My nervousness kicked in slightly. One foot in front of the other. And I walked into the forgien area.

I walk inside, a large hallway bombarded with people. I remember my locker number, 111, pretty easy to remember. I feel few gazes, but most don't notice the new girl.

Once I arrive at my locker, which took a lot of maneuvering, I placed a few things inside and closed it. Revealing a face behind my door.

My heart skipped a beat but slowly calmed as the girl smiled gently. "Hi," she said in a giddy voice, "I'm going to show you around!" I stared at her, noticing her peppy façade. Her smile that spread from side to side slowly disappeared. I noticed her clothing, black shirt and dark blue ripped jeans. With dark makeup and heavy eye liner. The peppy personality didn't fit her. "Okay, well, you caught on fast." She said wrapping her hands around her backpack's straps. "So, I guess I'll drop the act." She continued. We walked down the hall together and I remained silent. It seemed she had already gotten notice of which classes I was in since she knew exactly which classes to bring me to. "Well, this is math. It'll be your first class." I nod slightly. "You don't talk much, do you?" She asks.

"Not really." I answer.

"And the voice appears!" She says sarcastically. My hesitancy drops slightly. "Oh, my names Lucy, by the way."

"Grace." I say. This time with a smile.

"Well look at that! The robot smiles too!" I slightly laugh and we continue on our tour, which will soon come to an end.

"So, Grace, you just moved here?" I nod. "Well, then I should probably update you on the social status." I stare intrigued. "So see those girls over there?" She points to four girls gathered aroud a locker hitting on a some guy.

"Yea," I say. "Lemme guess, Mean Girls Three?" Lucy laughs at my pathetic joke.

"And its a sarcastic robot, I like it!" She exclaims gaining a laugh out of me.

She explains the social status, with the geeks and the jocks, and the normal ones, which will probably be where I am. "Lastly, " she continues, "is the oh-so-famous, Mr. Asher Green." I listen closely, because with great sarcasm, comes great responsibility. And listening. "So, whatever you do, throughout your wonderful year of your senior life, do not, I repeat DO NOT, get involved with Asher." I nod at her advice. "And if you ever do.... Then may God help your soul. And your face. Least if you're on his bad side." I stare at her confused.

"What?" I say.

"He will pound your face to a pulp. He's completely ruthless and-" She pauses for a moment and glance at someone behind me. "Speak of the devil." She finishes.

I flick around to see a dark haired male walk down the hallway. Everyone cleared a path, like, he parted the seas. He walked contently, as two other people pulled up next to him. I assume his friends. One dark haired, like Asher I presume, and one with short blond hair. They walk down the hallway past us and Lucy let's out a breath. "Well," she starts, "welcome to your new highschool." And as if almost on cue, the bell rang and kids scramble to class.


Two classes went by, and I managed to get to both without being late, or get lost, so props to me. Now was time for the terrible disaster called lunch. I'm just kidding. Lunch? Lunch is my husband.

I walked to the cafeteria that Lucy showed me on the tour, and stared at the crowded room. Lucy had told me during class switches to meet her right outside the first door, so that's where I am now. A familiar face comes around the corner and I smile at her. "Alright quit it with the smiles and stuff, for God's sake just be you already!" She exclaims.

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