Chapter Two

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I wake up sweating bullets, and restraining myself from a scream. Wiping the sweat off my forehead I look around my room. Plain white walls that are worn down, so basically a light gray. My bed is worn down as well, and my sheets are ripped. I have one chair- My thoughts completely cut off when I see someone in the chair in the corner of my room. Sitting up I press my back against my wall.

The corner is dark so I can only see a figure. "Hello Pumpkin." My tenseness settles slightly.

"What are you doing in my house!" I whisper/yell. I try not to wake anyone.
Then it dawns on me. "How did you get in? How do you know where I live? Did you wake up my father?" With the last question my eyes widen.

"I followed you home yesterday. And no I didn't wake your dad." I tense at the word dad.

"What are you doing in my house? And why did you follow me?" I say.

"Well I'm here to bring you to school Pumpkin." He says.

"I don't even know you. And you don't even know my name." I say.

"Your name is Grace." He says. I stare amused.

"How-" I begin.

"One thing you'll learn about me is that I'm observant."

"Stop calling me that if you know my name." I say.

"No can do." He smirks. And I squint at him. "Lets go Pumpkin."

"Well, you kinda got to leave for me to get dressed." I say, and in doing so he leaves my room by jumping out out the window causing me to gasp. Running over to the window I stare outside and see him looking up at me.

You cannot get attached to him. Remember what Lucy said. He will just cut you off and leave whenever something bad happens.

I close the window and change into a different shirt and ripped jeans, that weren't supposed to be ripped, but, I don't have enough money to get a new pair. I just moved here and I still can't find a job.

I quietly walk downstairs and hear grumbling. As I reach the bottom step I hear a whipping noise and duck my whole body as fast as possible as a beer bottle rushes past my head and explodes behind me, shooting a shard into leg and I wince. I run out the door and hear a shout behind me. I slam the door shut while grabbing my bag behind me. I wobble out, and Asher stands by his car, and comes over noticing my limp. 

"Pumpkin, what's wrong? Why are you limping." He asks.

"I told you to stop calling me that, everyone's going to think I'm your girlfriend." I say, avoiding his question.

"No can do. Pumpkin is set in stone." I groan at his comment. "Sorry." He adds. I stare at him disappointed. "Now answer the question. What happened to your leg?" He scopes out my leg. "Holy crap!" He yells.

"Asher, just drive me to school, or I can walk." I say.

"Pumpkin! You live a half an hour away walking! How are you gonna walk on that leg?" I stare at him. "Get in the car Pumpkin." I don't argue and I wobble to the car. As I get in the car I look at the back of my leg and pull the shard out of my leg, causing more blood to gush out, and I wince. As Asher gets in the car he looks at me concerned. I drop the small shard in the side of his door, considering I have no other place to put it.

"Hey Stranger," I start and he looks at me, "do you have a bandage or cloth?" I ask. He reaches into the back of his car and finds a shirt and rips it. I stare at him as he rips it to shreds. And hands me a long strip. I wrap it around my leg and bandage it up as much as possible. "Thank you." I say, and he nods.

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