Chapter Three

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It's been two weeks since me and Asher got together. Me and Lucy had to sit down and talk, but after a lot of convincing she's finally okay with it. But she's scared for me, and protective. Me and Lucy have gotten closer, but so have me and Asher. It makes me really happy. I haven't been like this is years. Asher and Lucy have gotten past their past, and are becoming closer too, we all sit together at lunch and laugh together. I think Lucy has a crush on Damon though. Tea.

We all sit together at lunch as Lucy tells a story of what happened in her English class. Something about a prank someone pulled, where Mr. Johnson's (our English teacher) whole classroom was ducktaped. So, everything was covered in ducktape.

"It was crazy! We had like a 20 minute lecture but no one was caught! And then he sat down in his ducktaped covered chair-" Lucy started laughing so hard she couldn't continue. "A-A-And then w-w-when he got up." She burst out laughing, small tears on her cheeks. "The chair was stuck to his butt! And he just waddled around y-y-yelling!" She flung her head back laughing as she crutches her stomach.

"Oh my gosh." I say in disappointment of my school.

"It was amazing!" Lucy exclaims.

"Guys, we gotta pull a better one." Derek states.

"How much better can it get?" Lucy asks, wiping away her tears for eariler.

"Okay I have a plan." Asher says. As he explains the plan we all get prepared for the day to come. This is going to be crazy.


The day has come. It's four in the morning and Asher came to pick me up. Creeping out of the house, I try to be as quiet as possible. Asher stands outside of his car waiting for me. He smiles as I exit, making me smile as well. As I walk up to Asher, normal walking since my leg is mostly healed,

"Morning Pumpkin." He says to me and my smile somehow gets wider.

"Hey Stranger." I say and he smiles again.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod, as he opens the car door for me. "Here we go Punpkin." He says while he gets in the car. "We're about to make history."

"Are you sure this is a good plan?" I say getting anxious.

"Of course." Asher responds.

"But, what if we get caught?" I say, doubting the plan.

"Didn't I tell you what we do if that happens?" He says.

"You said for me to run, and you will take care of it." I say. "But that doesn't sound to good to me." I say.

"Pumpkin," He starts. "I will not let you get in trouble." He says sternly.

"Whatever you say Stranger." I say.

Arriving at the school I stare at the enormous building. How are we going to do this? I think to myself. Taking a deep breath, Asher and I exit the car.

"Alright Pumpkin. Lucy, Damon, and Derek are over there, so, let's get this show started." Asher says with an evil smirk spread across his face.

We walk over to them, and they come closer to us noticing our arrival. "Okay, I have the papers." Damon says.

"Are they what I asked for?" Asher asks.

"Yes Ash, I have over 1,000 pictures of giraffes." With this is burst out laughing, unknowing that that was what was on the papers.

"What's so funny Pumpkin?" He asks.

"I'm just thinking of Daniel Seavey." I say. He nods.

"Ah, right, my competition. That blue eyed giraffe better not come close to you." He says and I laugh.

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