Part IV

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You looked at him straight in the eyes, looking for a sign that he was fooling with you but there wasn't. He looks like he was pleading, begging you to believe him. You don't want to admit it but you can feel yourself drowning with his eyes and you don't care if you can recover or not.

"Have you been in love?" Thomas asked with his alluring voice.

"What?" you uttered, surprised by the sudden question.

"Have you been in love?" he asked again.

"What's with the sudden interest?" you asked.

"Because I think you can compare love to a ghost? It is something that you don't believe but once it's there it will turn your life around." Thomas explained.

"I see, you are like a poet." You sighed smiling.

"Am I?"

Thomas let out a small laugh, a giggle or a chuckle? You were taken aback. How his lips curves upward, those lines draw on his cheeks and how his eyes sparkle in joy. This made you smiled directly at him. You can feel your heartbeat beating fast and you can't explain it but there in there, you want to kiss him, to crush your lips against his thin lips and run your fingers to his raven hair.

"Yes." you simply answered but your hands move on its own and touched his cheek "You're so cold." you mumbled. Thomas moves back a little "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"No, it's okay. It is still raining and the temperature is cold." he reasoned out.

"Still, I felt like I intrude your privacy. I'm sorry."

"No, not at all. I actually like how your hands feel so warm against my skin." Thomas assured you with a genuine smile "How about we check your wounds?"

You answered him with a nod. Thomas gently placed your leg on his lap and he carefully removed the bandage. It stings a bit, his hands were cold but you love it, you love how his cold hand brushed against your skin. Then you saw it, your wound. It looks like someone scratched you with a knife, there were four deep lines of wounds.

"That looks nasty." you said.

"It is." He frowned thinking how painful it was for you.

Thomas started to clean your wounds and you just watched him, watched how his long fingers gently clean your wounds. Thomas was making sure not to hurt you, his face was so serious but there was gentleness in his eyes. You couldn't help but be mesmerized. He has this striking aura that will take you off gourd but once you look at him closely, you'll see how his eyes soften when he talks but there was something about him that's so mysterious that you couldn't help but be intrigued. The tricky part of it is that you couldn't help yourself but to fall, be trapped in his gaze and touch. Your thoughts were cut by the pain on your foot, you winched in pain.

"I'm sorry." Thomas said.

"No, it is not your fault," you assured him.

After that, Thomas left you to rest. Morning came and the rain stopped. You looked for Thomas, the wound hurts but bearable. You waited for him but he didn't come, so you decided to write a letter.
It was hard but you manage to get to the inn you were staying in. You prepared your bath, you badly need a warm bath. Waiting for the tub to fill up, you looked for your pen and sketch pad. Line after line, curves after curves, you started to put the image in your head on the paper but your bath was ready.

You let yourself sink into the warm water and your thought lost with Thomas' image. You've never met someone like him and you want to know him. No matter what you do your thoughts ended in him. You tried to think about your book but you recall how his eyes looked at you and how his touch sends a chill through your spine.

Laying in your bed, you tried to write again but end up continuing the sketch you were doing. After an hour of concentration, you were almost done and looking at your unfinished drawing.

"What kind of spell you put on me?" you said staring at Thomas portrait.

|End of Part IV|

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