Part VII

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It was a chilly night and the moon shines so brightly, the woman who was in the window was now standing at the entrance of Allerdale Hall. She stood tall and proud, wearing a long black heavy coat, kinda old fashion but still elegant.

"Why you are standing there?" the woman asked softly.

"Noting, I was.. I'm sorry." you stuttered.

"Are you waiting for someone?" another question from her "Are you waiting for Thomas?" she said getting your full attention "by your reaction, I already know your answer." giggling on the last part.

"I'm a friend of him," you said but deep down you don't even know if you two are friends and even this thought breaks your heart.

"I saw you two talking," she said seriously but smiled "Don't worry, my brother will warm up to you. Oh, where are my manners, I am Lady Lucille Sharpe."

"I'm [Y/N Y/L]" you said shaking her hand.

"It was nice to know that my brother is talking to another woman. Thomas' been, well let's say his marriage is not doing well and he is sad." Lucille said with concern.

"Thomas is married?" your voice cracked.

"Yes, but his wife left him, leaving my poor brother alone. Thomas is still waiting for her to return even he knows that she will not come back" Lucille disapproval was obvious on her tone "But unlike you, you my dear, unlike her, you will not leave my brother lonely."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but he already rejected my feelings," you said with a bittersweet smile.

"So you will just give up?"

"I don't know, he made it clear that I should stop whatever feeling I have for him."

"Did he say that he doesn't love you?" Lucille caught you by surprise.

"No, actually he did not say if he loves me or not," you said frowning, thinking the detail of your conversation with Thomas.

"Because maybe he is already falling for you." she said giving your cheek a soft tap "I can tell that he is smitten by you. I know my brother, [Y/N]."

"Why are you doing this?" you asked feeling a bit confused.

"I just want my brother to be happy," she answered sincerely.

"What if he rejected me again?"

"No" Lucille softly held your face with her cold hand "Don't you lose hope, my dear. I will help you."

Blinded by your feelings for Thomas, you nodded your head yes without thinking. You will grab any opportunity you can get yet a part of you tells that it may not be a good idea.

Lucille told you to come back and that he will talk to Thomas to think about your feelings. Still having doubt, you told her that you'll come back. You didn't have a long sleep and the day felt like forever. The book you were working on is almost done, you couldn't think of a perfect ending.

"Forgive me but the man you were sketching, he looks so familiar." said the old man sitting on the next table.

"You do? Do you know him?" you asked facing him, showing your sketch.

"No, I don't but I think I've seen him before," he added.

"His name is Thomas, he lives in Allerdale Hall," you told him.

"I'm sorry, my dear but Allerdale Hall has been abandoned for so many years," he said with a knot form between his brows.

"What do you mean?" you politely asked.

"I heard stories about that beautiful gothic mansion, most of them are frightening but all ended with the tragic death of siblings."  the old man sighed remembering the tragic tales of the family who used to live there, "They said the family who owns the mansion was cursed and live their lives with sorrow and despair. They said the mother of the children were murdered and her ghost haunted the poor kids. That's why whenever the young lord brings home his lover, the lover will die for an unknown reason. Then the third wife came, everything seems to go well. They were happy, living their lives peacefully and slowly the mansion started to be alive again but the curse finds it's a way to ruin that."

"How?" you asked attentively listening to the old man.

"They said the ghost of the mother came back and took her children's life. The young Master's wife escaped with the help of her childhood friend but they said they were having an affair."

"They run away," you mumble then it hits you "No, impossible." comparing what you were hearing and what Lucille told you, you suspect that the husband and wife the old man's telling you were Thomas and his wife but how? If this happened years ago why Lucille and Thomas still live in the mansion? It is impossible that it was all in your head.

"Are you alright?" The old man asked breaking your train of thoughts.

"Yes," you lied.

"Are you sure? You look pale like you have seen a ghost," he said.

"Can you tell me the family name who lives there?"

"Sharpe" He answered then a chuckled escaped his lips "Come to think of it, the name of the young lord is Thomas, what a coincidence," he added with amusement.

You excused yourself and went back to your room looking for the books you've borrowed from the library. You saw something about the mansion before meeting Thomas but you were not sure. Looking under the bed you saw a book, it was one of the books you borrowed. Grabbing it, you place it on the table but for some reason, the book landed open to the ground. What surprised you were a family face was printed on the page, written below the photo, Sir Thomas Sharpe.

|End Of Part VII|

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