You were there - Freddie Mercury

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WARNING: Sensitive material and language.


"Y/N, darling, what's wrong?" Freddie asks me, concerned as I answer the phone in a sobbing mess.

"Something's happened here with Zack, and I..." I struggle to carry on as new tears start forming.

"Don't you say anymore, sweetheart. I'm on my way to you." Before I could even say thank you, Freddie hangs up the phone and I am left there to sit alone on the couch with nothing but my whirlwind of thoughts. Freddie will be here soon. He will help you calm down, make sense of the situation, and make you feel better. He always does.

I shiver even if it is more tropical weather. I just don't feel comfortable staying here alone. Too many memories, and so much I just want to forget.

"Darling, I'm here." Freddie announces as he bursts through my front door. Seeing his concerned features immediately makes my eyes well up again with fresh tears and he instantly wraps me up in his arms. He starts stroking my hair and whispering to me as I cry into his shoulder. This comfort almost feels too much for me to handle, and I don't know why.

"What is it, Y/N? What did he do to make you this way? He didn't hit you, did he?" He asks, ending in a firm voice as if he's getting angry just thinking about Zack raising a hand against me.

"No, no. Nothing like that. It's just... he cheated on me, Fred." He stays silent, waiting for me to carry on. I pull away and wipe my tears from my eyes, sniffling before looking at Freddie, his hand still on my arm, rubbing circles comfortingly. I must look like a complete wreck compared to him right now. "But it's not only the fact that he cheated on me, but he cheated on me with my sister. I caught them in the middle of it all. I know I haven't been that close with Emily over the last couple of years, but I never thought she would do this to me. She's my sister!

"And Zack hardly even tried to come after me when I caught those two together. He just seemed annoyed that I even interrupted them in the first place!" I can feel myself getting angrier by the second, but Freddie still sits there, remaining calm and listening. "And then he had the nerve to tell me that this is all my fault. That I was the one to blame for him sleeping with my sister. He didn't look sorry at all for what he did. Then he started yelling at me, insulting me, telling me I spend way too much time at my job and making me feel absolutely worthless." I start to lose my anger, but new tears start forming instead. "I'm not that bad, am I? Did I really cause this? Is this my fault?"

Freddie pulls me back into a hug and I snuggle into him, now seeking out the familiar comfort of my best friend.

"Of course it isn't darling. He's just being a piece of shit. So, fuck him. If he can't see how great of a person you really are, then he doesn't deserve you in his life, and you don't need him in yours." There's a long pause as I try and gather up my emotions, feeling really grateful that Freddie is here with me. While I don't feel totally better, Freddie did help me a lot. I pull away from him again, giving him a weak smile.

"Thank you for coming so quickly over here, Fred. I'm sorry if I ruined your night."

"Don't you dare be sorry when you have nothing to apologize for, darling. You were there for me when I was breaking down about everything with Mary, so I'm here for you, all the way. It's what friends do. And luckily for you, it just so happens I'm a fabulous friend." He holds up his head in confidence and I can't help but laugh.

"I know you are, Fred."

"Damn right you better know, sweetheart, and don't you ever forget it."

"Never." I sit there in silence, just looking at my best friend in admiration. "I love you so much, Fred. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Your life would be miserable, that would be certain." He laughs. "I love you too, Y/N. But if I ever see that Zack asshole again, don't be surprised if I give him more than just a black eye."

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