Why don't you smile at me?

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Y/N's POV:

Another day at work and yet another day in the presence of Rami. Honestly, that's the only down side to my day. I mean, I enjoy the company of the others, but for some reason, Rami and I can never be around one another for too long. We always seem to end up fighting with one another and I don't even know how it started. We just one day snapped at one another and kept fighting ever since. 

I don't hate him. I never have, but with him and I arguing so much, I wonder if he hates me, which makes it worse seeing as I quite like him. Him and his perfect curly hair, his perfect eyes and his perfect clothing. Even the way he walks, smooth and elegant, is just fucking perfect. If I didn't like him so much, it would annoy the bloody hell out of me.

Nobody can understand why we don't get along, especially when they keep saying that we would actually get along quite well if we would learn to stop arguing with one another.

But there is one thing I will never admit to anyone. There is one thing I hate about him, which I try not to think about but it never works. He always smiles at everyone but me.


Rami's POV

Why I don't seem to get along with Y/N, I have no idea. I don't even know why I constantly fight with her. Especially when there is so many reasons why I actually like her, like the fact that when she walks into the room, everyone's attention always moves towards her. And when she does walk in, it's always with such confidence, its entrancing. But there is one thing I hate which is the fact that when she smiles her beautiful, bright smile, it's never at me.

"Seriously dude? Why don't you just ask her on a date already?" Gwilym interrupts my thoughts and I look over at him in confusion. "You've been staring at her talking to Joe this whole time."

"What? No I haven't." I try to deny even though I know I have.

"Yes, you have. But if asking her out on a date doesn't work for you, just fuck her." Ben laughs. 

"Why would I want to do that?" I ask, looking between the two.

"Oh-my..." Gwil whispers to himself, exasperated. "Because there is obvious sexual tension between you and Y/N. It's honestly getting tiring watching you two. You may be arguing all the time, but we can all see how into each other you are. It's driving us all mental." I'm about to argue against him, but Ben interrupts, smacking his hand against my shoulder.

"He's right mate. Please just do something about it to relieve us all from our misery."



I absolutely love working with Joe. He's absolutely hilarious and great to work with. But he's getting extremely annoying talking about how in love Rami and I are and that we should shag one another already. I mean, come on. Even if I do quite fancy him, that does not mean that he fancies me, no matter what the others say. But right now, I should stop thinking about all this, seeing as I'm fitting him into his costume next. 

"So, what have you got me wearing today, miss Y/L/N?" Rami smirks as he waltz's into the room. I glance at him before quickly looking away.

"Nothing too much. Just this sparkly unitard." I hold up his costume and his jaw drops immediately, making me smirk.

"That's a bit revealing, isn't it?"

"Maybe, but it is Freddie. Can't expect anything less from him." Rami chuckles and I look up at him in shock. "Did you just laugh at something I said?"

"Maybe." He answers, stepping in front of me and taking his costumes into his hands and my skin tingles at the brief contact we make. "But I'm more surprised at the fact that we aren't at each other's throats by now." 

"I suppose so. But before we analyse everything about that, you need to go and get changed." I say, slightly pushing him into the dressing room.

"Okay, okay. I'm going." He closes the door behind him and I let out a shaky breath I was holding, trying to loosen the knot in my chest. Why does he have this effect on me? "Y/N? Are you sure I have to wear this?" His voice asks nervously through the door.

"Afraid so, Rami. It's one of his most iconic looks. But it can't be that bad." He opens the door and steps out, raising his eyebrows at me. I honestly can't help it, I laugh. "Well, it certainly doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it?"

"You just smiled. You never smile at me." I look at him confused. 

"What? I smile at you. Don't I?"

"I think I would remember you smiling at me. We're always too busy arguing to do anything else." I look down, thinking of all the moments we fought and coming up with a question that's been on my mind for ages.

"Why do we argue then? What is it that makes you hate me so much?" I look up to see Rami scrunching his eyebrows in confusion, taking a step closer towards me.

"I don't hate you, Y/N. I never have." He says, taking another step closer to me and I sigh in relief. "You just make me feel something which I've never felt before with anyone. I think this may have come across in a different way than what I had hoped, but I never hated you."

"That's good because I've never hated you either." I take a deep breath, taking my chances.  "In fact, I quite like you." Rami smiles at me and I have to admit, it's really nice to finally be at the receiving end of one of them. 

"Good. That means it will be a little less awkward when I do this." He leans forward and presses his lips on mine in a passionate but strong kiss which I return immediately. Breaking apart, we lean our foreheads against one another, Rami smiling brightly, smoothing my hair behind my ear. Feeling high off the kiss, I choose to poke fun at him.

"Now, who's the one smiling."

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