Arranged Marriage - Ahkmenrah

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"We all knew this day would come." Merenkahre, Akhmenrah's father, projects into the crowd standing before him. "In exactly one month, my son Kahmenrah shall be married to princess Y/N!" The crowd roars, ringing into my ears and I try to force myself to smile. However, I find it hard when I feel my heart plummet to the ground and tears threaten to spill from my eyes. Kahmenrah, though, looks as happy as he can be. 

Of course he is.

This is something that he and our parents have arranged from the moment I had met his family when I was eight. Kahmenrah is getting exactly what he wants.

"Now, I want you all to congratulate the happy couple!" In a months time, my freedom and life will be over.


"Ahkmenrah, are you here?" I call out into the hidden room. I finally got away from everyone and rushed here, knowing he would be waiting for me.

"Y/N?" Ahkmenrah moves from behind the corner and as soon as he sees me, he rushes towards me with urgency. He wraps his arms around my waist bringing me flush against him and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, burying my face into his neck.

"I know it's been arranged, and I have no choice, but I don't want to marry him. Ahkmenrah, it's all coming so fast." I mumble into him, finally letting my tears escape. He rubs my back reassuringly.

"I know you don't, Y/N. And I don't want you too, either, but I don't know what I can do about it." His voice chokes up and I nestle closer into him.

"It should be you I'm marrying, not him. But soon, I'll be his." Needing to see his face, I move my head off his shoulder and look into his beautiful, kind eyes. But I don't get to look long because he closes his eyes, moving forward and connects his lips against against mine for a loving and gentle kiss.

"I fell in love with you a long time ago, Y/N," he says breaking away from me, "and there is no way I can change that. But, once your married, we can not risk seeing each other again." 

My heart clenches at his words, but I still kiss him passionately before saying; "then lets make our time together last while it still can."


After spending the last night with Ahkmenrah, I make my way back towards my chambers alone and on the verge of a breakdown. It's unfair how neither one of us gets the choice of who we want to marry. It's just not right!

With a sigh, I enter my chambers, ready to let all my emotions loose, only to halt in my steps when I see Kahmenrah sitting on the edge of my bed. Upon seeing me, he stands up and makes his way over to me in slow, purposeful strides, making me extremely nervous. 

"Y/N, where have you been? I've been waiting for you to return for hours." He says in a guarded tone and I have to quickly stumble for an answer.

"I was with my mother. Seeing as I am getting married tomorrow, we thought it would be nice to spend some time together." Even as I say this lie, I feel guilt over take me for dragging my mother into this. Kahmenrah eyes me, bringing his hand up so he can brush his thumb just under my eye and I have to force myself not to flinch. 

"Your blue under eye make-up. It's smudged. You always keep your make-up in immaculate condition." He drops his hand.

"You know what my mother is like. She made a little speech to me which ended up with both of us being major wrecks." He hums in a way to tell me that he's not convinced of my story and I can feel my heart climb into my throat. 

"Hey, Kahmenrah, you wanted to see me?" Ahkmenrah walks confidently into the room to stand beside us, gaining our attention. This cannot be good.

"Mmm, yes, I did. A while ago." Oh-my-god. Please don't tell me he knows. "You know it's funny. When I tried to find either of you, neither of you were around. Nobody knew where you two were. Not even your mother, Y/N." I tense up immediately. "It's also funny how that blue smudge on your face is the same blue that is smudged on your thumb, Ahkmenrah." We look at Kahmenrah in horror. Oh gosh, he knows. I grow terrified of this situation, trembling as I know Kahmenrah doesn't have the calmest of moods. He glares at us and Ahkmenrah tries to speak.


"No!" He screams, focusing his deadly gaze onto Ahkmenrah. "She is supposed to be my bride. But you just have to have everything, don't you little brother? Too bad neither of us can have her now." Before I knew what we happening, Kahmenrah draws his sword, turning towards me.

"No!" Just as quickly as Kahmenrah lunges forward, Ahkmenrah moves in front of me, shielding me as the sword slices through his chest.

"Ahkmenrah!" I scream in horror, and by the look on Kahmenrah's face, he knew this was going to happen. As I move to grab Ahkmenrah as he falls to the ground, I feel something slice through my chest from behind. I look down at my chest in shock to see a sword exiting where it shouldn't, making it hard to believe that this is actually my body. I get lifted up slightly, making me cough up blood. I collapse on the ground after the sword is removed from my chest and I am left to stare at the face of a slowly dying Ahkmenrah as the guard who stabbed me marches to stand behind Kahmenrah.

Kahmenrah looms over us with a smirk as I can feel the life slowly drain from from me. "I guess that means you can have her now, little brother." He walks out of our sight, the guard following closely behind him.

I'm dying, there is no denying it, yet I don't feel any pain. With the little strength I have, I slowly move my hand to grasp Ahkmenrah's weak hand, his tear filled eyes on mine.

I whisper; "I love you, Ahkmenrah."

There definitely has been a lot of love for Ahkmenrah. Thank you!

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