Just Another Day

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Kali doged, barely missing the spearhead. Growling, she twirled on one foot and slammed the hilt of her spear into the soldiers' stomach, feeling a twinge of satisfaction when he kneeled over in pain. Kali quickly kicked the boy in the head and grinned as he fell down, unconscious. Kali twirled her staff, ignoring the cuts and bruises to her stomach and ribs. "Who's next?" She crowed. "Come on, don't be shy." She smiled. "I won't bite."

Kali scanned the faces in the crowd. There were young boys and grizzled warriors, all glaring down at her with disgust and hate. Kali mentally cursed her shortness. Nobody stepped forwards. Nobody dared to challenge her. At least not today. "Well then, I shall see you tomorrow!" Bowing to the crowd, she stalked off with her head held high.

Grimacing, she touched a particularly deep gash with a shaking hand. Kali would probably have to bind that later. She wandered over to the airfield where Luka was probably waiting for her. Around her, the gentle Vanji grazed on hay and grass. Luka was sitting on top of his Vanji, swinging his feet like a child. Kali grinned. Some things will never change.

"Floofy! Who's been a boy? You have, oh yes you have!" Kali gushed as she cuddled Floofy's big ugly face.

 "Yes, I missed you too Kali."

 Kali did a double take. "You can talk too! Such a smart little ugly vanji!" Luka sighed and slid off Floofy's back. "Hilarious." He muttered taking in Kali's disheveled appearance.

Luka raised an eyebrow.

Kali shrugged.

"They wanted to play." She said for an explanation.

"They wanted to play with spears and knives and fists?" Luka questioned.

"Yup." Kali said, popping the 'p'.

Luka grinned. "Sounds reasonable, you're a very annoying person. Wanna ride?"

Kali showed Luka her teeth, her small, doll-like teeth showing.

"Hell yeah."

Flying was hands down one of the best things that Kali every experienced. She, unlike Luka, never had a fear of heights and loved the dizzying sense of vertigo and the accompanying rush of adrenaline. When they were high in the skys, floating in lazy circles on Floofys' back Kali felt untouchable. She felt as if she could float away and never return. The wind ruffled their hair as they got comfortable on Floofy's back. Kali leaned over and surveyed the sprawling metropolis below, with its small beige domed houses and tiny towers with bronze steeples.

Luka and Kai shared the silence in the free unpolluted air. 

Sup people, I'm gonna try and write this at a lightning pace since, it's a competition. Sooo, comment if you want faster chapters. 

( -_- )

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