Chapter 3: Oh mon.

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Group Chat: Class 1-A

Midoriya: Good Morning, everyone :D

Alien.x is calling...

Blasty McSplodes: its 5 am shut up idiots

Uraraka: oH bAkuGou!

GetsHard: I'mma join the call!

PEOPLE IN CALL: 4 ( Hagakure, GetsHard, Uraraka, Alien.x )

Sanic: I am so glad you guys are up and ready for school!

PEOPLE IN CALL: 6 ( Blasty McSplodes, Kaminari, GetsHard, Alien.x, Hagakure, Uraraka )

Their call:

"Hey, Bakubro! You decided to join?" Kirshima said into his phone when he saw Bakugou in the call.

"I only joined because you're in here and I want to hear your voice.." Bakugou thought but he said; "I AM CURIOUS YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

Mina laughed. "Calm down, Bakugou!"

"He won't listen to you, Mina," Kirishima stated.


Kaminari joined the call. "Bakugou, I can hear you from 3 doors down." ( i dont really know where everyone's dorm is and who they are next to so- )

"Shut up. I'm going downstairs to make myself breakfast." Bakugou scowled, his thumb hovering over the leave call button.

"And me too, Bakubro!" Kirishima said, happily.


"WHAT?" Kirishima cried.

Bakugou growled. "Whatever. I know what you want."

"WAIT CAN I HELP.." Bakugou left the call before Kirishima could finish. "Damn it."

"Kirishimaaaa~" A sly voice was heard. It was Uraraka.

Kaminari was snickering.

"So, Kirishima, how do you feel towards Bakugou?" Mina put her earbud mic to her mouth.

Kirishima's face turned warm. "He's my best bro!"

"Uh huh.. and?" Hagakure giggled.

"I would only tell Mina." Kirishima sighed.

Kaminari gasped. "WHAT ABOUT ME?"

"Oh yeah, you too- Wait why would you wanna know?" Kirishima questioned.

"Oh well I don't kn-" Kaminari was cut off by Mina.

"He ships you guys, too!"

"E-eH?" Kirishima squeaked. "Why?"

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