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1. Often a Time

Often a time in this world
In an outlandish land
Two strangers,
Two separate souls,
Two separate lives

Often a time in this world
They walk.
They talk.
And slowly, slowly
Capture each other's heart.

Often a time in this world
Two separate hearts
Become one.
Two separate souls
Become one.

Yet, often a time in this world
It happens
That they take separate routes.
They meet.
They separate.
But they never forget.

They remember each other
In memories.
In happiness.
And in sorrow.
They remember each other
Till the end.

A tryst between two strangers
You and me,
Two separate souls
Whole and wounded,
Two separate hearts,
Love and pain,
Two separate lives
Light and darkness,
Often a time
Happens in this world.

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