18. Understand

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18. Understand

I know my words hurt,
And I wish I could erase them all.
Don't you see it?
They are hurting me too.
But it's just that
I can't take them back even if I want to,
Not anymore.

Would it hurt less to know that
my love was fake?
Tell me what should I do
to make it all go away?
Cause whenever I look back
and see your face,
I hate myself even more
For what I did to you that day.

I can't do this,
I want to end it all.
Seeing your tears,
I just wanna quit.
But I can't go back even if I want to,
Everything is just gonna be worse.

Would it hurt less to know that
my love was fake?
Tell me what should I do
to make it all go away?
Cause whenever I look back
and see your face,
I hate myself even more
For what I did to you that day.

Please, try to understand.
I want to go back.
Why can't you understand?
I regret what I said.
Please, try to understand.
I want to go back.
Why can't you understand?
I regret what I said.

Would it hurt less to know that
my love was fake?
Tell me what should I do
to make it all go away?
Cause whenever I look back
and see your face,
I hate myself even more
For what I did to you that day.

Please understand
These words, I never meant.

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